Bellevue College –On the Job Communications – Winter Quarter, 2014


Amanda Johnson            425-564-3087               R 130



Students must attend every class, and complete online work using Canvas.

          Days/Dates:            Tuesday/Thursday, January 7 to March 25

          Time:                      5:30pm to 7:20pm plus one hour online work every week

          Room:                    R101



In the On the Job Communications class, students will learn how to:


  • Write a business letter/email
  • Write requests and make suggestions
  • Work with American styles of behavior
  • Leave a clear voicemail message
  • Participate in meetings
  • Make a short presentation


Successful students complete all homework and one online assignment every week.




Class Book:  Send me a Message by Mackey, Daphne.  (2004). 

Online Book: ISBN: 0-07-295351-9 McGraw Hill: NY.

Printed for Bellevue College:  9781121407695


The book is available at the BC bookstore, building B. Take this information to the bookstore. Ask to speak to the manager, Anthony Wellnitz if you have any problems buying the book. You may also buy the book online. Check prices before ordering your book. The book typically costs around $40, or less.


Students should buy the book. It is not available at the King County Library System. A few books are available for short term loan at the BC library.




More tips for successful learning:


1.     Turn off phones and pagers in class.

2.     Listen when the instructor is speaking.

3.     Take notes, read the handouts and the class book.

4.     Open a BC account and log on to Canvas. You will find homework and online assignments.

5.     Check Canvas and your email before class, and once or twice a week.

6.     Ask questions if you do not understand.

7.     Do the homework!  It will help you! 

8.     Meet new people and have fun!



Attendance is very important for your progress.  You must attend every class and complete the online part of the class.  If you miss 20% of the total class time (2 classes) without a reasonable excuse, you will NOT receive a certificate of completion.


Important: If you are going to be absent, please call or send your instructor an e-mail.





On some of your tests and on your homework, you will see these numbers:


4 or É


3 or P


2 or P-

Needs more work

1 or -



Your writing score for this course is based on your homework.  It is important to complete and submit all your homework assignments on time.  You can submit your homework either in class or via email.



Student Progress


Students in ESL classes at Bellevue College should make progress in their level.  If there is no progress, students may not continue in the classes.  The teacher looks at your attendance, classroom work, and tests (including CASAS tests) to decide your progress.  The teacher will tell you at the end of the quarter that you need to improve.  If you don’t improve, you might not be able to register for classes in the future. You can review Student Procedures and Expectations policies at



Campus Closure - 425 401 6680 -

During bad weather, check or call Bellevue College (BC) at 425 401 6680 to see if classes have been cancelled or not. 

Check your e-mail on the morning of class – your instructor may send an e-mail as early as 8am.










Public Safety - 425 564 2400 – K100 -


      The Bellevue College Public Safety Department’s staff provides parking, personal safety, security and crime prevention services to the campus community, 24 hours per day, and 7 days per week. 




Disabilities Resource Center - 425 564 2498 or TTY 425 564 4110 - Library Media Center -


Some people may have a special medical problem.  If you have information to tell me about a medical problem, please see me after class or come to see me in my office. 


If you have a disability and need special help in class, I can tell you about our Disability Resource Center (DRC).




Confidentiality -



§  We do not wish other people (parents, spouses, and friends of students) to speak for students about school performance because this can slow student growth and progress. We do this because we would like students to speak for themselves and be independent. 

§  Federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) says that we must protect the privacy of student education records. 

§  BC policy keeps school performance between the school and the student. If a student asks for a parent, spouse, or friend to be at any instructor-student discussion of academic performance, instructors will look at each situation and make the final decision.

§  See all policies at: Arts and Humanities Commitment to Student Growth and Development







Students in this program often like to do nice things for their teachers at the end of the quarter. A card with words from all the students, flowers and food are good ways to thank your teacher. You do not need to buy your teacher a gift or give money.