Pauline Christiansen

Item # 1192

English 092 G 11:30 – 12:20

Phone: 425-564-2104

Fall Quarter 2004

Office: R230H

Classroom: L217

Office Hours: 10:30 – 11:20


Mailstop: R230



092 Module, Christiansen (Purchase as a module in BCC Bookstore


The Least You Should Know About English – Glazier (Form B)


Paperback Dictionary




A three-ring notebook or large



A #2 soft-lead pencil with eraser



A pen



Three-ring notebook paper



A few paper clips




English 092 is a self‑paced workshop designed to develop your basic writing skills.  We will concentrate on increasing your skills in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, organization and development through classroom and lab work.


The format combines a programmed text with individual attention.  Each day you will work at your own pace in the text and consult with me when you reach a designated checkpoint.


It is very important for successful class completion to attend class consistently, progressing through at least one check point each period, and stay on schedule during the quarter.  All of you will need to work outside of class to keep up with the master schedule.  Attendance will be kept in the classroom and be part of your grade.


No student will be accepted into the class who has missed the first week.

Any student missing the equivalent of 10 attendance days or missing the "B" due date on a paper will not be eligible for a grade. 


All students must work up to 80% correct on the 3 grammar quizzes to be eligible for a grade in the class.





On Mondays and other days noted, the entire class meets ‑ you  must be there to get assignment directions for the week.  (Attendance counts double on these days)  NOTE:  Check calendar for some changes in this schedule.  (Call instructor in emergencies.  Have a fellow student you can call for missed work!)



Tues. and Thursday:

Group 1 stays in the class


Weds. and Friday:

Group 1 works in the writing lab and sees required V.T.’s


Tues. and Thursday:

Group 2 works in the writing lab and sees required V.T.’s


Weds. and Friday:

Group 2 stays in the class



We will practice these writing skills during the quarter



Focusing on a topic



Selecting language appropriate to subject, audience and writer



Organizing by finding patterns of generalizations and support



Structuring and developing paragraphs



Making accurate sentences



Editing your own work for fragments, run-ons, spelling, punctuation, clarity, and word choice.




You will be given 3 quizzes. -One on I.D. of subjects and verbs, one on fragments, and one on run-ons.  You must complete all 3 quizzes with scores of 80% or better to get a grade in the class.

You will take make-up quizzes in the Writing Lab if you don't score 80%.




Evaluation is based on the college catalog policy: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, Z, I. 

You must finish the FOUR papers to earn course credit and get passing grades on these papers to earn a grade in the class.

The papers include:



Place Description



Taking Stock



Personal Experience



Analytical Paper


Paper grades are weighted:   #1=20%  #2=15%  #3=25%  #4=25%  Attendance 10%  3 Quizzes/Lab Work %5 - but must have 80% or better on all 3 quizzes.


NOTE:  All required work for your pocket must be turned in with the final draft, or your grade is docked.  This includes VT notes, class lecture notes, quiz make-ups, etc..  Packet contents for each assignment are given in class.  You must also turn in a feedback if indicated on a returned assignment to complete your grade for that assignment.



This is a workshop class where often total class lectures cover the material for an entire week.  It is impossible for students to complete this course without consistent attendance.  I am available in my office to work on checkpoints with you, but only if you have been attending class regularly.


Total class meeting days count as double attendance.


A student who misses 4 (four) check point days is no longer eligible for help outside of class.  A student who misses 6 (six) check point days is no longer eligible for a grade in the class.  A student who arrives after attendance is taken is marked late.  2 lates = 1 absence.

*A student with a total of 10 absences is no longer eligible for a grade in the class.


NOTE:  A student who misses the second due date for one of the 4 papers is no longer eligible for a grade in the class.  Total class lecture days, double attendance days marked on calendar, rough draft group days, and personal conference days count as 2 attendance days.  Any student missing the first week of orientation activities will not be eligible for a grade in the class.  Any student without scores of 80% or better on the three grammar quizzes before the final due date will not be eligible for a grade in the class.





(English zip):\Christiansen\092\syllfall04