
English 092



Contents for final packet for description of a place assignment #1



Cover page with title of place described centered and outside heading in lover right hand corner:





Kirkland Park









Smith, Joe

English 092C





Final version double-spaced with verbs only underline correctly.



Map of place described



Organization page showing major parts and items within parts. Pp. 10-11



Rough draft with subjects and verbs underlined correctly and with prepositional phrases in parenthesis and grammatical subjects and subordinators marked.  This version must have bben checked by me or the Writing Lab.



“It” and “Grammatical Subject” revision worksheets if you had sentences to change. P.34 (It); 36 (G.S.). No it’s as subjects or G.S. on fonal draft.



Two sentences at bottom of “There is” page corrected. P. 39



Verbs boxed and circled on rough draft.  (Can include this step on  original rough draft if you like.)



Any worksheets you have written on in making changes.  (For “is” corrections, you may simply wirte a changed draft rather than do worksheets if you prefer.) Be wure to check verb “No No List” p. 54 (see next page)



Notes from “fragment” and “run on” video tapes assigned on your calendar.



How assignment will be graded:


First I will read your final draft.  Everything on the draft must be correct.  Any error in underlining, punctuation, fragments, run-ons, spelling, or verbs that are repeated or are on the taboo list will be circled and the grade docked.  If you have no errors at this point, you have an “A.”  Next, I check your packet to see if you have all the parts and the video tape notes.  If any parts are missing, your grade is docked.  If you have everything and you have a correct final draft, you get an “A.”  Edit your packet carefully.  If you miss anything, the grade will go down fast.





