Extra Credit Speech Analysis Worksheet

(10 Points)


As you view the speech/presentation, please fill in the answers to the questions on this worksheet and incorporate your answers into a word processed essay.  Your essay should analyze the speech from the perspective of Small Group Communication principles we are learning in class and you may refer to the Rothwell text for assistance.  Please include all of the concepts below in your essay for maximum points.  You word-processed essay should be  one to two pages, double spaced, with 12 point type and one inch margins.  Date of speech must be included and essay turned in within one week of speech.



  1. Date of Presentation, and Location:
  2. What is the name of the speaker? Is he/she affiliated with any organizations?


  1. Was speaker effective in getting your attention during the introduction? What strategy(ies) did the speaker use?


  1.  How did the speaker connect his/her topic with the audience and establish a “we” environment rather than a “me” environment?


  1. What was the Topic, Specific Purpose, and Central Ideas (Preview) of his/her speech?



  1. Was the speaker credible?   How did the speaker establish credibility? Examples?


  1. How did the speaker support his/her arguments? Did he/she verbally cite any sources? Was s/he specific? Give two examples.




  1. Do you feel the speaker made an effort to tailor his/her speech to BCC students?  How?


  1. Did the speaker attempt to connect with the audience in the conclusion? How?



  1.   If you evaluate this speech in terms of the speaker and audience being a small group, describe the climate created, and how the speaker and audience established and maintained this climate?