Democracy & Equality Project Requirements


Library Research




To acquaint you with the process of finding reliable and credible library resources and help you understand how to critically evaluate your sources.  In addition, you should be aware of common fallacies in reasoning so as to critically analyze the problems and actions you come up with to address the problem.




I. Research Guides and Handouts:


Be sure to read and refer to the following handouts:


·        Citing Information & Parenthetical References ( )

·        Library Media Center: MLA ( ) and for electronic resources on the Internet ( )

·        Library Media Center: APA Style (

·        Library Media Center: Evaluating Internet Resources (

·        Why Information Literacy: Elements of Reasoning

     (To be posted soon)

·        Critical Thinking: Be Aware of What you Read! (posted on class website)



II. Bibliography:


You are required to cite three unique sources, in addition to Rothwell, in the bibliography portion of the outline you give to me.


  • These sources should include scholarly books, journals and credible news sources/magazines (remember to check Peer Reviewed or Evaluated in ProQuest and EBSCOhost).
  • References to Encarta, dictionaries, etc. will not be counted as references.
  • Each team member must have three unique sources (five team members = 15 unique sources), two of which must be from published material (referenced above).
  • The third source may be an interview, a survey or other resource such as a company policy manual or brochure for an institution. Pictures, audio or video may also be used as your third source.
  • Your final outlines (Rough Draft, Speakers & Instructors) must be complete and turned in at the time you present. The outline for me (Instructor’s) must be word-processed and must include your bibliography. All source citations must be in MLA, or APA format.  Failure to have your outline in the proper format (see online template) could mean you sacrifice all points for your outline. 


III. Standard Agenda (final version)


You will be turning in a revised final version of your Standard Agenda Form at the conclusion of your project attached to the essay analysis of your group project process and your group’s record of participation, preparation and attendance. The team’s essay and Standard Agenda forms will be due on our final exam day.


IV. Group Process Essay


You will be completing two team evaluations – one as a group (essay and attendance /participation/prep forms) and one as an individual (using the individual forms posted on the website). The guidelines for the team essay are posted on the class website as Project #2 Team Essay Evaluation.

  • Similar to the Case Study Project, your team will complete a Team Essay and a form to rate and summarize team member performance.
  • Individually, you will be completing a confidential evaluation of yourself and your team members.


IV. The Symposium Presentation


Remember – during your symposium presentation your job will be to educate the audience on:

·        The issue you have selected and why it is related to democracy and equality

·        The action your group designed and implemented to make a difference (action you took in addition to your symposium presentation)

·        The process your group went through to complete the project. Your revised Standard Agenda should assist you with this analysis

·        The connection between Rothwell chapters 6-10 and your group project process.  It would be wise to use the Project II Team Essay Evaluation instructions on our class website.


V. Returning Papers:


Students may pick up any Democracy and Equality Project papers and final exams that have not been returned during the first week of summer quarter (beginning June 21, 2004).