English 101
Written Expression
Summer Quarter 2008

Catalog Description: English 101  Item numbers 1144-1145
Instructor: Denise Vaughan
Class Times
: Online

Email:  dvaughan@bcc.ctc.edu 

Course Site: http://mybcc.net

PRINT OUT ALL MATERIALS IN THE SITE AND KEEP THEM IN A NOTEBOOK. This will help you keep track of the course and allow you to continue to progress even if you experience problems accessing our course site.

Required Texts:











All students are welcome and respected here. No discrimination or harassment based on race, sexual orientation, religious persuasion, gender or disability will be tolerated.  I welcome your feedback.

Students with disabilities who have accommodation needs are required to meet with the Disability Support Services (DSS) office, room B233-G (telephone 425.564.2498 or TTY 425.564.4110), to establish their eligibility for accommodation.  The DSS office will provide each eligible student with an accommodation letter. Students who require accommodation in class must review the DSS accommodation letter with each instructor during the first week of the quarter.

ASSIGNMENTS: Your assignments for this class follow the writing process.  For each paper you will:

Pre-writing/Idea Generation

1.   Read the texts assigned in our class deeply and thoroughly.  If you do not come away from these texts with a new awareness or insight of some sort, you have not engaged with them.

2.   2.  Use seminar discussion as a pre-writing, idea generation activity.  Your purpose is to engage with me and your peers in a conversation about our texts that helps further everyone's understanding in some fundamental way.

Three week long seminar discussions, worth 20 points each, are required.  Seminar discussions must show evidence of intense engagement with the texts assigned and an ability to use discussion to further everyone's understanding. Because the purpose of an academic seminar is to further understanding, you will write a seminar response paper for each seminar paraphrasing or summarizing the part of the discussion you found most interesting and then describing to me what you learned or how your the discussion furthered your understanding.  Each seminar response is worth 30 points.

Draft an Argument/Essay

3.   Develop your own insight, message or understanding and teach us that new insight, message or understanding in a formal academic essay.

Drafts are graded as follows:  20 points for a committed, engaged, developed piece of work (paper explores the topic thoughtfully and struggles to communicate something interesting and worthwhile).  10 points for something that looks like it was scrawled out hours before the deadline (sloppy formatting, obvious or ineffective thesis, incomplete rambling).  That said, it's better to submit something than nothing.  Not submitting a draft essentially sets you up to fail the class.  You cannot participate in peer review or get a grade on a final paper if you do not submit a draft. 

Solicit Feedback/Provide Feedback

4.   Share your essay and provide feedback to your peers on their essays in a peer review exercise.  Write a critical summary of the feedback you provided to your peers.� The act of reviewing your peers helps you understand the academic genre and how it is supposed to impact readers.  What you learn from reviewing your peers you can then apply to your own essay draft.

Three critical summaries are required, each worth 50 points.  Students who do not participate in Peer Review may not submit a Critical Summary.

Revise and Edit

5.   Revise and edit your essay.   Use the writing lab.   Find additional readers who can give you feedback.

Remember that revise comes from the word revision (re-vision).  If you are to become a good academic writing, you cannot be afraid to completely re-veiw (re-see) your whole argument and write the paper over basically from scratch.  If you simply move a few paragraphs or ideas around and change a few words here and there, you are editing, not revising.

6.   Submit a final essay for a grade.

Final essays will only be accepted for a grade if drafts of those essays are provided for the Peer Review. There are three final essays each worth 100 points.  In addition, you will submit a final portfolio with the very best version you can create of each of your three essays.  The portfolio is worth 100 points.

In addition to practicing the writing process outlined above, you will use a writing textbook to help you improve your writing skills.  Five assignments linked to our textbook A Writer's Companion by Richard Marius are to be completed.  Each assignment is worth 50 points.



Points per Assignment

Number of Assignments

Total Points

Seminar Discussion





Seminar Response




Critical Summaries




Marius Assignments




Final Papers

















Basically, if you engage authentically with the content and activities of this course and you approach the work in this class with discipline and good organization, there is no reason why you should not be able to earn an 'A'. My genuine desire is to see each person succeed in this course and in their academic career. I can be a good ally and coach. Contact me as soon as possible if you are nervous or unsure about how to proceed in this course or if you have questions about how well you are approaching the course.

Scoring Guide:

900-1010 pts = A- or A
800-900 pts = B-, B or B+
700-800 pts = C-, C, or C+
600-700 pts = D, D+


LATE PAPERS AND ASSIGNMENTS: No late papers or assignments will be accepted. Should you not be able turn in an assignment for any reason, you will be allowed to submit a letter describing the circumstances preventing you from successfully handing in the assignment. I will not read these letters until the end of the quarter. At which point I will review your letter in light of your overall performance in the course and adjust your grade as I see fit.

CHEATING/PLAGIARISM: Academic writing is about the disciplined search for truth. Your writing should reflect your own struggle with arriving at a new 'truth' and authentically strive to contribute to the spirit of academic inquiry. We will spend a lot of class time exploring definitions of plagiarism and learning to participate in an academic community responsibly. Some mistakes are to be expected. However if I even remotely suspect that any part of the writing you submit is not your own I will submit it to the college�s online service, which can identify plagiarized text down to the sentence level. If you plagiarize or cheat, two things will happen:

  • You will receive a 0 on that paper.
  • The Dean of Student Services will be notified and disciplinary action may be taken.

You have the right to contest any accusation of cheating made against you through the Dean of Student Services' office.



Notice that each module or unit goes the the same activities in the same order: 

1.  Read

2.  Discuss Reading

3.  Post Draft

4.  Peer Review Draft

5.  Write Critical Summary of the papers you reviewed

6.  Revise draft/submit final revision of essay










June 23

Lolita Chapters 1-6

June 24

June 25

Lolita Chapters 7-13

June 26

June 27

Lolita Chapters 14-21

Marius 1 Due

June 28

June 29


June 30

Lolita Chapters 22-27

July 1


July 2

Lolita Chapters 28-33

July 3


July 4

Marius 2 Due
Seminar 1 Graded

July 5

July 6

Essay 1 Draft Due to COMMENT
Seminar 1 Response Due

July 7

Persepolis I

Peer Review
Essay 1

July 8


Peer Review
Essay 1

July 9


Peer Review
Essay 1

July 10


Peer Review
Essay 1

July 11

Marius 3 Due
Critical Summary 1 Due

July 12

July 13

Essay 1 Final Due

July 14

Persepolis II 

July 15

July 16

July 17

July 18

Marius 4 Due
Seminar 2 Graded

July 19

July 20

Essay 2 Draft Due to COMMENT
Seminar 2 Response Due

July 21

Peer Review
Essay 2
pages 1-74 in Reading Lolita from Tehran

July 22

Peer Review
Essay 2

July 23

Peer Review
Essay 2

July 24

Peer Review
Essay 2

July 25

Critical Summary 2 Due

July 26

July 27

Final Essay 2 Due

July 28

The Handmaid's Tale chapters 1-27

July 29

July 30

July 31

August 1

Marius 5 Due
Seminar 3 Graded

August 2

August 3

Essay 3 Draft Due to COMMENT
Seminar 3 Response Due

August 4

The Handmaid's Tale chapters 28-46

August 5

Final Portfolio Due
Critical Summary 3 Due

August 6