English Through Current Events






English Through Current Events is based on current topics covered in Time or Newsweek magazine. Each week, students will be expected to read two assigned articles and come ready to take part in discussions of those topics and related issues. The instructor will choose the articles and make copies for the students. There is no reason to purchase either magazine.





Course Outcomes




Course Content





  • Develop written and oral summarization techniques to improve communication
  • Be able to participate in and lead class discussions on various topics
  • Use English to more effectively manage the direction and intent of a conversation, e.g. analyzing an issue, offering solutions to problems, giving advise
  • Develop personal lists containing difficult sounds specific to ones native language
  • Become comfortable expressing opinions openly in a relaxed atmosphere


·        Summarization techniques

·        Questioning to elicit information

·        Effective discussion methods

·        Articles from popular magazines

·        Expression of opinion



Who should take this course?





This is a high-level discussion class for permanent residents, refugees, U.S. citizens, and professionals working or training in the United States, international students or international visitors for whom English is not their native language. Students need a strong vocabulary and reading level to participate effectively.