English Conversation II






English Conversation II is designed to help non-native English speakers express their ideas and defend their opinions using standard American speech. Speaking and listening skills are developed using a variety of modes including over the phone, through recorded speech, and formal and informal presentations. Advanced conversation students are interested in listening to radio and/or watching TV and movies for content.





Course Outcomes




Course Content








  • Improve conversation ability by correctly using American English expressions and idioms
  • Be able to initiate discussions on topics of current interest.
  • Be able to understand and use verb tenses correctly in general conversations
  • Increase the number and level of complexity of grammar forms used in everyday speech


·        Useful conversational phrases

·        Conducting small talk about everyday activities

·        Reading and reacting to short stories, newspaper articles, etc.

·        Problem solving and explaining solutions

·        Developing appropriate group interaction skills

·        Explain short presentations

·        Short video segments of various cultural situations




Who should take this course?





Permanent residents, refugees, U.S. citizens, professionals and international visitors for whom English is not their native language. Advanced level students want to use English daily for extended conversations and want to take part in discussions where they have to express and defend their opinions. They can ask for and give information but sometimes have difficulty understanding and using informal English expressions correctly.