Everyday Idioms and Expressions






Everyday Idioms and Expressions presents students with common idioms and expressions currently in use in the U.S.  Each week, students are assigned units from the textbook which they practice during class time through a variety of activities.  In addition, students improve their knowledge and use of phrasal verbs as well as their ability to recognize expressions in advertisements.





Course Outcomes




Course Content





  • Develop understanding of phrasal verbs – how they are structured and how they are used
  • Be able to use and understand a variety of expressions, idioms  and phrasal verbs in everyday conversation
  • Be able to recognize expressions used in advertisements and cartoons
  • Develop list of expressions heard outside of class

·        Various units from textbook

·        Practicing informal conversations

·        Guessing meaning from context

·        Idiom and phrasal verb exercises

·        Understanding expressions in songs, advertisements and cartoons



Who should take this course?





This is an intermediate-level class for permanent residents, refugees, U.S. citizens, and professionals working or training in the United States, international students or international visitors for whom English is not their native language. Students need a basic knowledge of English grammar as well as intermediate speaking and listening skills to benefit from and participate effectively in this class.