Summer 2004



Instructor:         Francine Longpre

Office:              A 245 F

Office hours:     daily after class or by appointment

Office phone:   



COURSE CONTENT:          French 101: chapters 1-5  “Vis-à-vis”


COURSE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: To teach you the basics of French language: comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.


REQUIRED MATERIAL:    * “Vis-à-vis”, McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition

1- Textbook

2- Workbook/Laboratory Manuel

3- Audiocassette Program (3 blank tapes 90 min. each or 3 blank CDs). The Media Center fills the cassettes or CDs in 24 hours.

                                                * “Encore des exercices”, McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition

* Two(2) different colored pencils or pens (except red)

* Stapler


OPTIONAL MATERIEL:     * French-English dictionary (Oxford Starter French is suggested)

                                                * English grammar for Students of French, Hedwige Meyer

*Vis-à-vis Interactive CD Rom, Mc Graw-Hill, 3rd edition





·        It takes a lot of courage to start learning a new language, especially in the summer quarter! Congratulations! Learning a new language is discovering a new way to see the world and it can be a great experience! But learning a foreign language needs a lot of work. It is a long process who takes some years to become competent. You must be patient with yourself… But it is possible to have a lot of satisfaction during this process. One secret of this good time is working on a daily basis. You should average one to two hours of outside study for each hour of classroom work. Then, you will see your progress, slowly, but surely. Try not to be afraid of making mistakes in class. Instead, celebrate your courage to be there, trying to learn something new!

·        Please feel free to contact me with any concerns you have regarding this class.

·        Classroom Environment, Cheating, and Drop Procedure follow the rules of Arts and Humanities policies.

·        Students with disabilities who have accommodation needs are required to meet with the Director of Disability Support Services, room B 132  (telephone 425.564.2498 or TTY 425.564.4110), to establish their eligibility for accommodation. In addition, students who require accommodation in classes must review those requirements with each instructor during the first week of the quarter.




·        Attendance is a part of your final grade. We are meeting 27 times this quarter, 2 hours a day. Every hour you will be in class will give you two (2) points, for a maximum of 106 points. Lateness will affect your grade (50 late minute’s equal one absence).

·        If you can’t attend, get your assignments (“Encore des exercices”) from one of your classmates so you will be prepared when you will come back.



·        Homework is another part of your final grade. It is one good way of practicing. There are two (2) kinds of homework in this course:

·        1a)- Written workbook and lab assignments/ audio program (chapters 1-5) is due after each chapter, on the day of the test during class.

·        It is your responsibility to keep up with the exercises, and to make the corrections in a different color with the help of the answer key. The correct answers for the lab portion are given on the tapes or in the workbook. It is not important how many mistakes you made, but if you made proper corrections. Your corrections will enable you to go back, and learn what kind of mistakes you are making, and learn from it. “On est branche!” and “Par ecrit” activities are optional.

·        1b)- Exercises from “Encore des exercices” will be given on a regular basis. They will be completed at home and corrected in class.

·        Please, staple your complete written and lab assignment together in the right order, plus some exercises from “Encore des exercices”, inserted after the part “Correspondance”.

·        Points for each workbook/lab assignment for chapters 1-5:

·        - completed, corrected and on time:                              5 points

·        - 1-2 days late/ or returned with errors/incomplete:        2-3-4 points

·        - 3 days or more than 3 days late                                  1-2-3 points


·        The higher number is given for better work, the lower, for meeting minimum standards.

·        25 points are possible for every chapter.

·        The maximum is 125 points for the five-(5) chapters.

·        2)- The second kind of homework is an oral presentation (“Causerie”) based on one of the “Par ecrit”. A special sheet will be given to you later to explain this specific assignment. But, don’t worry; you will be able to do it if you take the course seriously! This work will count for 25 points.


·        Tests will be given after each chapter and cover all grammatical structures and new words. They will be announced in advance. There will be no comprehensive mid-term or final. One (1) of the first four (4) tests will be thrown out at the end of the quarter which could be a test you missed or your lowest test score. This however does NOT apply for the last test.



·        NO quizzes, homework, or any other assignments will be provided. Make-up test can be proposed by the instructor for some very special situations.



·        Grades will be based on the following:

·        attendance (106 points)

·        written and oral assignments (150 points)

·        tests (400 points),

 Total: 656 points.


·        Assignments are due on the day of the chapter tests. Late work implies lost points like it shows above.

·        All assignments are due by the last day of the quarter: August, 5, 2004. An incomplete grade can only be given if the student is missing one (1) assignment at the end of the quarter. You will need to arrange with the instructor before the end of the quarter by what time the missing assignment has to be made up. This usually applies only to students who have an emergency on the final day. It is however up to the instructor whether an incomplete can be granted based on the provision of the lowest test from the four first (4) tests.

·        Grade scale

100%-94%      A                                 79%-77%        C+

 93%-90%       A-                                76%-74%        C

 89%-87%       B+                               73%-70%        C-

 86%-83%       B                                  69%-67%        D+

 82%-80%       B-                                66%-60%        D

59 and below   F

Bienvenue!  Bon travail!  Bonne chance!


Le calendrier








21 juin


Chapitre 1

22 juin

chapitre 1

23 juin

chapitre 1

24 juin

chapitre 1


28 juin


chapitre 1

29 juin

chapitre 2

30 juin

chapitre 2

1 er juillet

chapitre 2


5 juillet


6 juillet

chapitre 2

7 juillet


chapitre 2

8 juillet

chapitre 3


12 juillet

chapitre 3

13 juillet

chapitre 3

14 juillet

chapitre 3

15 juillet



19 juillet


 chapitre 3

20 juillet

       chapitre 4

21 juillet

chapitre 4

22 juillet

chapitre  4


26 juillet

chapitre 4

27 juillet

chapitre 4

28 juillet


chapitre 4

29 juillet

chapitre 5


2 aout

chapitre 5

3 aout

chapitre 5

4 aout

chapitre 5


5 aout












I hereby sign that I have read and that I fully understand the format of this class (French 101).



________________________________                                                     ________________

Name (print)                                                                                                                          Date



