Tutoring and Writing Support

  1. Drop-In Tutoring schedules are posted on the Academic Success Center site here. (ASC) Drop-In tutoring starts the second week of the quarter! Plan to make it a habit to attend Drop-In Tutoring and start good study habits early! Future you will be glad you did!
  2. The Writing Lab  can help you with class assignments, college applications, resumes and more. You can drop in during business hours, or make an appointment. Check their page for all the details, and be sure to make use of this valuable resource.
  3. The Math Lab is open for drop-in tutoring and for appointments.
  4. If you have Early Referral for Tutoring as an accommodation, apply for a tutor right away! You will be contacted by an individual tutor during the third week of the quarter. Be sure to use the tutoring resources above in the meantime.
    • You will need to provide at least 3 days and times that you are available on a regular basis for tutoring, and also provide two good ways to contact you. Be sure to watch for a phone call, text or email from the tutor to set up your first appointment.
    • (Note: you do not need an instructor signature if you have this accommodation.) OR, if you have a C or below in a class, have your instructor sign a referral sheet and you can also have a tutor. Tutoring works!!
    • Individual tutoring starts the third week of the quarter.
    • Start the second week with Drop-In tutoring, and plan to use a combination of individual and drop-in tutoring throughout the quarter.
  5. See the Academic Success Center for all the options it has to offer. There is drop-in tutoring for many subjects, in many different places around campus.

Last Updated July 16, 2023