First-Year Seminar at Bellevue College

First-Year Seminar Degree Requirement

First-Year Seminar (FYS) 101 is a 3-credit, quarter-long course that is designed to help students explore their strengths, identities, and long-term career and academic goals.

  • This course is a requirement for students who are seeking to complete the AAS-DTA, which is the Associate in Arts and Sciences – Direct Transfer Agreement.  This is the most common transfer degree from the college and is commonly chosen by students interested in studying social science (sociology, political science, economics, geography, psychology, anthropology, etc.), communications, art, and humanities (English, history, cultural and ethnic students).

Featured Classes

First-Year Seminar offers a range of experiences to meet specific student learning goals, such as sections that specifically focus on Running Start students or sections for students who are interested in exploring STEM careers and majors. More information is available in the class schedule (bwlow) and on our FAQ page.

FYS Helps Students with

If you have any questions or if you’re not sure whether you need to take this course, please view the FAQ page or email the FYS chair at

Website Manager: Jeremiah Allen