Early Learning Center Proves Sustainable

There are many types of rating systems to assess an institutions level of commitment to sustainability. From LEED Certification which assesses a building carbon neutrality and sustainability to the STARS rating system which looks at college’s sustainability, there are many ways to find the extent of how “green” something is. The Go Green Rating System is a program to help assess the environmental health of early childhood settings. These address subjects such as administration, pesticides, air-quality management, green living and stewardship, as well as testing the facilities exposure to heavy metals such as lead.

The overall score is between 9 and 63. Our Early Learning Center scored a 50.95. This is a great score, putting us in the “Good” category. There is still work to be done, but this shows that we are well of the way towards a fully green Early Learning Center. The scoring categories are Outstanding at the top, then Good, Minimal, and Insufficient.

The Go Green System rates each individual area on a scale of 0-7. Scoring a 7 in an area means that you are addressing sustainability in that specific area. Examples of some areas in which we scored a 7 would be Green Materials, Carbon Footprint, and the Frequency of Activities. A great part of the Go Green Rating System is that it looks at more than just the physical environment, but also the important social impact the institution is having. The three pillars of sustainability are Environment, Economy, and Social, and it is important that all three are met. The Go Green Rating System addresses all of those with the different categories, resulting in a well-rounded score.


Last Updated November 19, 2013