
ASG Print Reduction Initiative – Next Phase

In order to promote sustainable and financially responsible practices on campus, the Associated Student Government of 2010-2011 launched a print reduction initiative with a goal of reeling in the excessive printing of some students and educating students to be successful in a low paper or paper-free learning environment.  ASG research found that nearly all colleges ...more about ASG Print Reduction Initiative – Next Phase

Early Learning Center Proves Sustainable

There are many types of rating systems to assess an institutions level of commitment to sustainability. From LEED Certification which assesses a building carbon neutrality and sustainability to the STARS rating system which looks at college's sustainability, there are many ways to find the extent of how "green" something is. The Go Green Rating System ...more about Early Learning Center Proves Sustainable

Dispensing Sustainable Solutions – One Towel at a Time

Bellevue College is getting its hands dirty. After washing, it dries its hands...sustainably? The simple, hygienic task is getting more sustainable as Facilities Operations changes the type of towel dispensers used in bathrooms. Paper towel use in Bellevue College bathrooms is high, and it increases the carbon footprint of the campus. Moreover, the cost of ...more about Dispensing Sustainable Solutions – One Towel at a Time

Inkjets and Desktops – What’s the cost of that print?

When Johannes Gutenberg became the first European to use movable type in 1439, he could not have imagined his role in the “Printing Revolution” would have such a lasting impression. Gutenberg hoped to make an efficient, useful product, but has printing become inefficient and wasteful? After more than half of a millennium, we readers should ...more about Inkjets and Desktops – What’s the cost of that print?

How Food Affects Health & Environment

For the past couple weeks, my Tourette's has been extremely violent and frequent. I'd run into walls, thrust the nape of my neck backwards until a feel a slight pain, and little things like a generic specific pen on campus triggered my tics. Just thinking about this specific orange and white colored Campus Activities Board ...more about How Food Affects Health & Environment