Bellevue Community College

ESL 085B – Level 5

Spring Quarter 2008


Instructor Information


            Name:                         Mark Paulson

            Office:                         R 130

            Office hours:               By appointment

            Phone number:           425-564-3142



Course Schedule


            Dates:                         Monday-Friday

                                                March 31 – June 11, 2008

            Time:                           7:30a.m.-9:20a.m.

            Room:                         R-309




            At the end of this quarter, successful students should be able to:

                        1)  identify parts of the body;

2)  explain your own or someone else’s medical problem;

3)  fill out a health insurance form;

4)  read nutrition labels and interpret medicine labels;

5)  determine and explain your work skills;

6)  read job ads, fill out an application, and give a job interview

7)  interpret pay stubs and job benefits;

8)  use the present perfect tense and modals;

9)  keep track of progress and completion of your goals;


Speak So Others Can Understand

·         use appropriate vocabulary, begin to show control of new grammar (past continuous, present perfect tenses, and use a variety of sentence types with before, after, when, while

·         use “markers” and check for understanding to help you be a better speaker

·         pronounce sounds that are difficult for you to say in English


Listen Actively

·         understand longer conversations, stories, and detailed instructions that are at normal speed in English

·         learn and use strategies to improve listening and respond appropriately to conversations


Read With Understanding

·         show that you understand texts and vocabulary

·         find important information in texts

·         use strategies to help you understand a text better

·         create an student account on MyBCC and read assignments

Convey Ideas in Writing

·         learn to plan before you write a paragraph or business letter

·         write organized paragraphs and letters with a clear topic and supporting details

·         write first and second drafts to revise and edit your writing

·         begin to show control of new grammar (past continuous, present perfect tenses, and use a variety of sentence types with before, after, when, while

·         respond to questions and students on MyBCC






To go to the next level, you must show progress in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  Attendance is important for your progress to the next level.  If you miss 20% of the total class time (10 days or 20 hours), you will receive a grade of “No Progress” for the quarter.  If you come to class more than one-half hour late or leave more than one-half hour early, the time you miss is part of the 20%.  Also, if you miss the CASAS reading and listening tests, you will receive a grade of “No Progress.” 


About Class


·         You will need a textbook, notebook, paper, pens, and pencils.  Bring them to each class.

·         Come to class on time.

·         Do all homework and participate in class (work in groups/pairs, ask questions).

·         Be polite and respect your classmates.  We learn from each other.  We can help each other.  We must treat one another with respect, even when we have different ideas.  We will use professional student behavior that does not disturb others. 




I will mark some of your tests with these numbers:


                                    100 - 96% ……………………..Excellent

                                      95 - 86% ……………………..Good

                                      85 - 80% ……………………..OK

                                      79% and below ……………..Needs more work


On some of your tests and on your homework, I will write these numbers:


                                    4 or Ι  ………………………….Excellent

                                    3 or P……………………………Good

2 or P-…………………………..Needs more work

                                    1 or -  .…………………………..Beginning


Each student will keep a folder.  The papers in the folder will help show how

            much English you have learned.  Always keep the following papers in your folder:


1)  Attendance sheets from every quarter at BCC;

2)  Short-Term Goals progress sheets from every quarter at BCC;

3)  ARM sheet with all of your CASAS scores from every quarter at BCC;

4)  Assessment Log with all your scores from other tests in level 4;

5)  two or three examples of your writing from each quarter at level 4. 




You will need to buy a textbook.  They are for sale in the BCC Bookstore.


Sabbagh, Staci Lyn & Jenkins, Rob.  (2002).  Stand Out 3: Standards-

Based English.  Heinle: Boston, MA






Students in ESL classes at Bellevue Community College should make progress in their level.  If there is no progress, students may not continue in the classes.  The teacher looks at your attendance, classroom work, and tests (including CASAS tests) to decide your progress.  The teacher will tell you at the end of the quarter that you need to improve.  If you don’t improve, you might not be able to register for classes in the future.


Students with disabilities must progress like other students.  You should tell the teacher about your disability, special illness, or your need for special arrangements in class. 

If you want to know about Disability Support Services (DSS), call 564-2498 or go to the DSS office in room B233G.


We do not wish other people (parents, spouses, and friends of students) to speak for students about school performance because this can slow student growth and progress. We do this because we would like students to speak for themselves and be independent.  We also do it because federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) says that we must protect the privacy of student education records.  It is BCC policy to keep school performance between the school and the student. If a student asks for a parent, spouse, or friend to be at any instructor-student discussion of academic performance, instructors will look at each situation and make the final decision. You can see all of this policy, Arts and Humanities Commitment to Student Growth and Development, at