WRITTEN EXPRESSION 1A                     




          Office:  D207J      Phone:  (425) 564-3067

Welcome to Level 1 Written Expression.  We will meet Monday through Friday from 12:30 until 2:20 this spring.  In the class you will develop your ability in both grammar and writing.  Grammar is important because it provides the rules and structure for an English sentence.  The sentence is the smallest unit in English that tells a complete idea.  The sentence is the building block for all English writing, from paragraphs to books. You will improve your ability to speak and write at the sentence level, and then put sentences into groups that describe, tell a story, and explain.




When you finish this course, you will be able to:


·        identify parts of speech and explain their jobs in simple English sentences

·        use simple sentence patterns orally and in writing

·        ask questions orally and in writing using basic patterns

·        know when to and how to use basic verb tenses

·        use the writing process  (getting ideas, writing, rewriting, editing, and proofreading)

·        write assignments that include creative, academic, and timed topics

·        improve your writing and help others to improve their writing through paired and small group work.




    Basic  English Grammar  (2nd Edition)  by Azar



   You will have regular quizzes in grammar as we move through and finish units of study.

·        There will be at least one graded writing assignment each week written either in or out of class.

·        There will be a midterm examination in-class timed writing near the end of week four.

·        There will be a final examination in-class timed writing in week 10. 



·        Your final grade in the class will result from the quality of your work and attitude during the term.  Factors will include attendance, participation, ability to work with others, and written work in both grammar and composition.      



·        You are expected to attend class every day and arrive on time.  Regular absence or lateness is seen as a sign of a bad attitude.  If you are absent 20 hours, you cannot pass the class.  If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be considered absent for one hour.  

    You are expected to participate in class activities.

    You are expected to be prepared for class.

    If you are absent, you are still responsible for homework and material covered.

·        Turn off cell phones and pagers while class is in session.