ART 110 - BASIC 2D DESIGN                                                            Instructor: Carolyn Luark

Fall Quarter 2008


OFFICE HOURS:  __________________________________

 If due to your class schedule you cannot meet with me during my office hours, speak to me during class about setting up an appointment.  Office: C163 Phone: 564-2665

E-Mail address:



At the completion of BASIC DESIGN the student should be able to;

*        understand and use the basic elements of design;  line, shape, form, texture, value, and color(color introduced only minimally)

*        be able to understand and use the design principles of ;  unity/variety, apply formal and informal balance, develop an emphasis or focal point, use scale and proportion, understand positive/ negative space, develop the illusion of space

*        develop a good use of tools and technique - to produce professional looking work with good craftsmanship

*        learn and use the vocabulary of design

*        be able to contribute to group critiques/to be able to articulate the design aspects of one’s own artwork and the work of others

*        be able to analyze and solve design problems


GRADING:   Grading is done on a numerical scale as follows:


A  = 10

B+ =  9

C+= 7.5

D+ = 6

A- = 9.5

B  = 8.5

C  = 7

D  = 5.5


B- = 8

C- = 6.5

F  = 5

A “0” ZERO will be assigned to work not turned in.

At least 75% of assigned work must be completed successfully and turned in for evaluation for student to be assigned credit for the course.


Your final grade is simply a compilation of the studio projects, the homework, and the vocabulary quiz calculated to an average.  The studio evaluation may be considered if a clear average is not attained.  You can easily track your average with the worksheet on final page of syllabus.   Considerations involved in grading include; solution of assigned problem, design qualities, and craftsmanship.  Specific aspects of what is to be evaluated will be addressed with each project.  Some larger projects will have several grades.  WORK TURNED IN LATE WILL BE LOWERED IN GRADE.   There will be one point taken off of each grade for each class day late. Work not up for the review at the beginning of the critique is considered late.   Any late projects must be turned in no later than 1 week past original due date.


All graded work will be returned with a simple "scoresheet" identifying your level of achievement demonstrated in the stated objectives of the assignment.  Specific attributes of your project will be addressed in the critique.  It is ESSENTIAL that you use the critique to get instructor feedback on your work.  Do not be passive - ASK QUESTIONS.  The scoresheet will notify you of the assigned grade, but the critique is where the true discussion of your work is given.  Participating in this is essential to your growth as a design student.  If you feel more feedback is needed than you received in critique, please take advantage of my office hours(or make an appointment outside of class) and I will be happy to discuss your work further.


ATTENDANCE:  100% attendance is very important to get the benefit of introductory lectures, assignments and directions, critiques, and the instructor’s help with your work.  You are held responsible for obtaining information missed though absences.  Instruction is integrated throughout the entire 2hours and 50 min. session.  Leaving early is not optional.  Having required lab materials is not optional.   If you do arrive late for class, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to let the instructor know that the marked absence should be adjusted .  This needs to be done the day of class in question.  I do not negotiate the attendance roster at the end of the quarter.  This is a STUDIO course in which you are to work IN CLASS on the projects in progress.  Part of the evaluation process is my observing your working abilities.  In this way we have a dialogue throughout the development of your design.  IF YOU FEEL YOU CANNOT COMMIT TO THE ENTIRE 6 HOURS OF STUDIO PER WEEK, I ADVISE THAT YOU RECONSIDER TAKING THIS COURSE.  After three absences( 9 class hours) it is advised that you withdraw from the course as credit can no longer be assigned after missing that amount of course/lab time.  If there is a specific emergency or extended illness that may warrant an “incomplete” grade, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor.  * refer to the Arts & Humanities Division “Student Procedures & Expectations on the web that specifically details the division policies.  This is posted on the My BCC website for this course. Go to and click on the MyBCC link.


HANDOUTS:  YOU will be responsible for accessing the course Assignment Handouts online at the  MyBCC website for ART 110 Luark.  Please make a habit of checking this site regularly.

  It is very important that you print out the assignment sheets PRIOR to starting the assignments in class.  Check your syllabus/timeline to see when an ASSIGN is scheduled.


STUDIO GUIDELINES:  For the purpose of making the classroom environment and studio time beneficial to ALL students by limiting behavior which distracts from students ability to concentrate on their work, please employ the following guidelines:

- no eating/drinking in class (use break time, lounge area)

- no radios, beepers, cell phones

- use studio time for assigned Design work(not math assignments, writing letters, etc

- general conversation(outside of lecture) and student interaction is encouraged, but try and not disturb the class as a whole

BREAK:  There will be a 15 minute break at mid-class each day


STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES:  If you require accommodation based on a documented disability, emergency medical information to share, or need special arrangements in case of an emergency evacuation, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.  If you would like to inquire about support for students with disabilities you may call 564-2498 or go in person to the Disability Resource Center reception area in B132.


MATERIALS:  A materials list is given to you on the first day of the class.  You are required to have these materials available to you DURING CLASS.  Lockers are provided for this purpose.  DO NOT COUNT ON PURCHASING MATERIALS DURING THE CLASS STUDIO - PURCHASE IN ADVANCE.

TEXT:  There is no required text for this course, but a copy of DESIGN BASICS by D. Lauer will be kept on loan at the library desk.  If you are interested in further reading, let me know.


LOCKERS:  You will need to share a locker with two other people.  Write your names and class on the form on locker.  You or your locker-mates must provide a lock.  Be sure to get your materials out of the locker at the end of quarter by the date stamped on locker form.









PATTERN - 10 pts






LOGO - 10 pts







In addition to monitoring your project grades, I also maintain a studio evaluation in order to be able to respond to questions regarding your class participation.  I record the following:


            0  = absent      

            L  =  late ( students need to alert me if they have missed role and are simply late)

            LE  = left early 

            NP  = not prepared

            NW  = not working



To summarize the stated student expectations of this course:


To be in the studio when class is scheduled to begin

To remain in class during the entire scheduled studio time

To have projects up on critique board at beginning of class when due

To come to class prepared with the necessary website handouts

To come to class with necessary art supplies

To apply oneself to the stated assignment during studio time

To participate in critiques / ask questions regarding one’s work

To take responsibility for information missed due to absence
