Fall Quarter 2004

Bellevue Community College


English 092: Developmental English

Item #1188, Sec: B, Credits: 5.0 (Revised 10/08/04)

Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 9:20 am

Bldg/Room: L215


Instructor: Michael Warner

Message Phone: (425) 564 – 4185 ext. #1

E-mail: mwarner@bcc.ctc.edu

Office: R230-K (Arts & Humanities)

Office Hours: 10:30 am - 11:30 am (Tue, Wed, Thu, or by appointment)


I.          Required Textbook:
Patterns for College Writing, A Rhetorical Reader and Guide (9th ed.) by Laurie G. Kirszner & Stephen R. Mandell.


II.        Course Description:
This course emphasizes advanced editing and critical thinking skills. Students learn to meet composition objectives by writing, revising, and editing essays in one class period and by analyzing their work from other classes. Students will also read several short essays by professional and student authors.


III.       Course Outcomes and Objectives:


a.       By the end of the course, students will be able to write essays that demonstrate the ability to use all stages of the writing process effectively.

b.      Identify the needs of their audience, produce a substantive and engaging topic, and create a unified, coherent, and well-developed piece of writing that consistently follows appropriate grammatical and mechanical conventions of Standard English.

c.       Use a variety of purposes for essay construction, such as analysis, exposition, and/or persuasion.

d.      Demonstrate ability to recognize some strengths and weaknesses in their own writing, based on specific criteria. (i.e. self-assessment).

e.       Comprehend texts written at college level or above both literally and inferentially.


IV.       Assignments & Percentages (for calculating overall grade):


a.         Four out-of-class essays:                                              60%

b.         Ten Journal Entries:                                                       15%

c.         Reading quizzes & In-class writing:                                15%

d.         Class Participation & Attendance:                                 10%


V.        English 092 Class Attendance Policies:


a.       I will take roll call at the beginning of class and keep a record of your attendance. If you arrive late, I may not mark you as having attended class. You should check with me after class to ensure I marked you present.

b.      Class Participation and Attendance is worth 10% of your overall grade. It is a combination grade of your participation in classroom discussions, activities, and your overall attendance.


VI.       English 092 Class Policies:


a.       Please arrive to class on time, for the class will begin promptly at 8:30 am.

b.      Much of what we cover in class will be beneficial to meeting the course objectives, so attendance is important. If you cannot attend a class, it is your responsibility to get the information from a fellow student or me.

c.       I will accept late papers. However, I will deduct from the numerical grade 0.1 per class period that the paper is late. If you do not submit a paper, you will receive a numerical grade of 0.0 for the assignment.

d.      Plagiarized assignments will result in a failing grade for that assignment. Additional penalties such as failure of the course or expulsion from the college may also occur as appropriate.

e.       If you need special accommodations because of a disability, or have emergency medical needs, or you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, see me as soon as possible.


VII.     Miscellaneous Notes:


a.       Please note that this syllabus is subject to change. I will notify you of any changes as early as possible.

b.      If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, about the course, instruction, assignments, or grades, please see me as soon as possible. I am here to help you, but if you wait until the last minute to get my help on a particular assignment or are simply confused as to what you are supposed to do, I may not be able to assist you. So, please don’t hesitate to ask questions.

c.       If you have any questions regarding Bellevue Community College's student policies, please refer to the Student Procedures and Expectations section online. The website address is below:
