PHILOSOPHY 102: Contemporary Moral Problems

Winter 2014

M-F 11:30-12:20 R304

Item #1912 C


 Zoe Aleshire

Office B100F

Office Hours M & W 1pm-2:30pm



Course Materials


There are no required texts for this class. All materials will be provided online or as class handouts. :)


There are some recommended texts, if you have the means to acquire them, which will be presented as we go along. I will not expect you to access these texts but they will likely prove enormously helpful.



Course Objectives


We will be looking at both traditional ethical structures of thought and current events to further our understanding of:

1)What the disciplines of philosophy and ethics really are,

2)How to form and identify strong ethical arguments,

3)How ethical decision making happens on both an individual and societal level,

4)What ethical theories are currently considered applicable to current events, and why,

5)How philosophy, and ethics in particular, relate to both academic contexts as well as “outside world”,

6)The intersections of gender/race/class/belief as they inform arguments about what to do and why,

7)Finally, how to be proactive in the world in conversation and in action!                                                     



Course Outcomes


• Formulate, clarify and evaluate arguments

• Analyze and assess views that make ethics a matter of convention.

• Explain and evaluate substantive ethical theories including utilitarianism and respect for persons and the ethics of care.

• Explain how substantive ethical theories including utilitarianism, respect for persons and the ethics of care incorporate the value of cultural diversity.

• Explain the ethical foundations for sustainability.

• Apply substantive ethical theories including utilitarianism and respect for persons to a range of specific problem areas like the death penalty, physician assisted suicide, animal rights, poverty, environmental protection and free speech.

• Write argumentative essays containing clear thesis claims, strong arguments for the theses, reasonable consideration of opposing views, and conforming to the presentation/writing standards set forth in the “BC Philosophy Writing Guidelines.”





           I expect everyone to be familiar with the days reading, present both in mind and body (as much as can be managed) and in possession of whatever materials are required that day. Often, this will mean no more than your active participation, a small pamphlet and possibly a writing implement. Please do not text message or make phone calls during class time. If you have a pending emergency, put your phone on silent and leave the classroom to respond to it. Answering your phone in class will result in me asking you to put it on speakerphone (yes, really) so we can all say hi.


          Though I won't take attendance every day, I strongly recommend that you attend class. Since this is a discussion-based course, failure to come every day will not only seriously harm your ability to engage with the material, but will likely take a bite out of your discussion grade. It is your choice to be here, I can't force you (and don't want to). However, attendance is very strongly encouraged for the best possible experience and grade.


          I will consistently do my best to be respectful to you as an individual choosing to be here, and I expect the same from each person in the class. We will be discussing topics or ideas in this course that may make you or your classmates uncomfortable: this is ok (actually, discomfort is often a great sign of learning!), but we need to be careful of each other's boundaries and emotional space. I have attached to this syllabus some guidelines for respectful class discussion that we will also be going over in class. I expect each one of you to adhere to these guidelines as if they are a daily graded assignment. Insults, shaming, intolerance or general rudeness are more than a breach of etiquette, they create an environment where some people may not be comfortable expressing their views and cannot participate. Reasoned disagreement is an integral part of doing philosophy—silencing one another is not. I will not tolerate it in or outside the classroom, and do not expect that any of you should either.  See the Discussion section for more on this.





Your grades will be based on the following percentages, out of 100 points:


Discussion: 20%


Papers: (2x) 25% each


Weekly Responses: (10x) 3% each


Extra Credit: (up to) 6%




I will only grant a grade of “I” (incomplete) in extreme circumstances preventing the work from being completed on time, which must be negotiated beforehand. I will only grant a grade of “HW” (hardship withdrawal) in circumstances of demonstrable hardship; again, this grade must be negotiated before the final week of the quarter. To receive either of these grade marks, you must be passing the class up to that point of negotiation. There will be no exceptions to this. If you feel that your extenuating circumstances have been neglected by this rule, please contact W. R. Payne, the chair of the philosophy department.





You will be expected to participate at least 20 times this quarter. When you add something relevant, on topic, important, interesting or insightful (preferably all of these things!), or you ask a question that fulfills this criteria, I will mark down that you did so and tally them up for the final grade. I understand that some of you are not comfortable addressing the entire class. Though I would greatly prefer that you do speak up, for the benefit of your own education and the classroom environment, I will also accept posts to the discussion board on Canvas, which will be held to the same standard as in class participation. Canvas can be an excellent opportunity to share videos, websites or other materials that would be difficult to present in class, but in order to receive credit with these types of posts you must also provide some context.

You cannot receive extra credit in this section, but you also will not receive credit for every throwaway comment or “ditto”, so it's a good idea to just participate as much as you can and not try to game the system.


Discussion will be run according to these basic guidelines, which we will go over more in depth as needed in class:

Listen respectfully, without interrupting.

Respect one another's views.

Criticize ideas, not individuals.

Commit to learning, not debating.

Avoid blame and speculation.

Avoid inflammatory language.






There will be two papers, each worth 25% of your grade. I will hand out more specific instructions for them as we approach the due dates, but here are some general guidelines:


-Double space, 12 pt font, 1” margins.


-1500-2000 words. Please do not try to fill space by just writing anything to get to the word count requirement. Please also do not give me anything much longer than the maximum. I have chosen your paper topics to fit this length for both your sanity and my own.


-No hard copies. Save the trees! MS Word .doc/.docx files only. No .*txt or *.rtf will be accepted. Please submit via Canvas only!!


-Please put your name on the essay, and if you attach a file format the filename like this:

  Your last name, the topic letter you have chosen, and which assignment, in that order. 

-So, if I were submitting Topic B for the first essay, my document will be named:


                    Failure to properly name your file could result in it being considered late.


-Late papers will be accepted at -2% per day late, maximum 5 days (I count weekends!) I will absolutely not accept late papers after I have finished grading the others. You will have until midnight of the day papers are due for them to be on time.


No Plagiarized papers will be given credit

Plagiarizing means using another's words or ideas and representing them as your own. Always properly cite your sources, as this can sometimes be done accidentally! It also means having someone write a paper or part of a paper for you and representing it as your own work. Bellevue College has a contract with a plagiarism detecting service and any work suspected of plagiarism will be referred to that service.

Plagiarism is grounds for failing the course and possible dismissal from school. I don't want to know what someone else said about the topics we are covering, anyway: I want your own thoughts. It's usually more obvious to catch than you'd think. Don't do it. If you have any questions about how to cite something properly, ask me or the friendly people at the Writing Center (D204).




Weekly Responses


These are similar to a reading journal. I will be asking you to turn in 300-500 words every Friday with your thoughts and reactions to that week's work. These are not just “throwaway” impressions (“I liked it” is not an adequate response), but reasoned, cited discussions of what we have covered up to that point. The responses will ideally be the foundations for your essays, so I will expect them to have some direction, though I will not be so strict about your thesis being clear or your grammar being perfect as in the more formal assignments.


A good way to approach these is to pick one concept that we discussed or read about and expand on that: what did you think? How did it relate to other things we've talked about or that you've thought about before? What else could have been said about this idea that wasn't expressed, in either the reading or the class discussion?


The responses will be graded on a 0-3 point system.


          3 points: you express your ideas clearly, demonstrate familiarity with the material (1-2           citations if applicable) and provide some insight into what you thought or how you reacted to the concepts.


          2 points: ideas may be expressed clearly sometimes, but there may be a lack of familiarity with the material or there may be less insight than for full credit (an insightful summary would be 2 points).


          1 point: Either a summary only, without insight or analysis, or there is a lack of familiarity with the readings while still being some attempt at engaging the topic.


No credit will be given if you show no familiarity with the reading or class discussions.



  Extra Credit


You will have the opportunity to present a creative project to the class in a 6-10 minute presentation, relating to the ethical theories that we are discussing, for up to 6% extra credit. You can work with one other person, but you will each need to have a clear explanation of what you contributed.


(unless you are unable for some reason to bring the project to us, i.e. guerrilla art projects)



And Now, A Few Final Messages:


I will provide trigger warnings in advance of particularly violent or intense content, but there will be instances of nudity, sexuality, “strong language” and religious conflict in most (if not all) of the visual content we will be analyzing in class. I recommend discussing with me beforehand if you anticipate having problems with this type of content. I will not excuse you from assignments relating to the content if you are offended, and will hold your work to the same level as if you were not offended: thus, “I hated this because it offended me” will never be sufficient for completion of an assignment. Learning can be about pushing past your own boundaries: homophobia, body negativity and racial or social bigotry will never be acceptable in this classroom.


Essential to a liberal arts education is an open-minded tolerance for ideas and modes of expression that might conflict with one’s personal values. By being exposed to such ideas or expressions, students are not expected to endorse or adopt them but rather to understand that they are part of the free flow of information upon which higher education depends.

To this end, you may find that class requirements may include engaging certain materials, such as books, films, and art work, which may, in whole or in part, offend you. These materials are equivalent to required texts and are essential to the course content. If you decline to engage the required material by not reading, viewing, or performing material you consider offensive, you will still be required to meet class requirements in order to earn credit.

Bellevue College is committed to maintaining an environment in which every member of the campus community feels welcome to participate in the life of the college, free from harassment and discrimination. We value our different backgrounds at Bellevue College, and students, faculty, staff members, and administrators are to treat one another with dignity and respect.


The Disability Resource Center serves students with a wide array of learning challenges and disabilities. If you are a student who has a disability or learning challenge for which you have documentation or have seen someone for treatment and if you feel you may need accommodations in order to be successful in college, please contact us as soon as possible.


If you are a person who requires assistance in case of an emergency situation, such as a fire, earthquake, etc, please meet with your individual instructors to develop a safety plan within the first week of the quarter.


The DRC office is located in the Library Media Center (D126) or you can call our reception desk at 425.564.2498.  Deaf students can reach us by video phone at 425-440-2025 or by TTY at 425-564-4110.  Please visit our website for application information into our program and other helpful links at





Week One

What is an ethical theory?

The Trolley Problem


Week Two  




Week Three


Virtue Ethics


Week Four

Care Ethics

Belief systems and relativism

(Film: 3 Iron?)


Week Five

Justice System       Midterm Essay Due Friday


Week Six

Justice System

Medical Issues

Film: Vera Drake


Week Seven

Medical Issues and Autonomy


Week Eight

The Environment and The Tragedy of the Commons

Land Ethic

Film: When A Tree Falls


Week Nine

Sustainability Issues: environment and people

Ethics in the “digital age”--copyright, wikileaks, electronic communities


Week Ten

Cyborg Ethics introduction

Short Films TBA


Week Eleven

Cyborg ethics and new types of pluralism


Final Paper Due Tuesday of Finals Week