SPCH 225 /1945-A Small Group Communication

Brenda Larson, Instructor



Office:                                     R 230-U

Office Hours:                           Monday –Thursday: 8:30 -9:20am or by appointment

Telephone:                              425-564-3050


Course Website:         

Quarter Start/End Dates:        June 21 – August 5, 2004 / M-Th 9:30 – 11:20am

Classroom:                             R Bldg., Room 211

No class on:                            July 5 – Holiday          

Final Exam:                             Thursday, August 5, 9:30-11:20am   



Small Group Communication is designed to explore effective communication in small groups, and students will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of small group process and communication, including leadership, conflict management, decision-making, conformity and critical thinking. Students will work in small groups to test theories and apply knowledge and skills to real world problems - actively observing and reflecting on their own practice of small group communication skills as they research and study small group communication in multiple contexts.


To successfully complete course assignments, instructor strongly recommends completion of English 101 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent English placement test score.


Rothwell, J.D. (2004). In mixed company: Communicating in small groups and teams, Fifth Edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.


Students will need a Journal folder, pen or pencil, a planner (PDA, Outlook, or date book), and a spiral notebook or three-ring binder with paper and dividers. Students must have an email address, computer access to the Internet and to a printer to obtain materials required for class (Internet access and printers are available to students in BCC’s computer labs and regional public libraries).


At the end of this course students will be able to…

I. Identify the criteria that defines a group, identify types of groups, functions of groups, motivations for joining groups, and phases of group development.

II. Discuss the dangers of group process, including “group think theory”, conformity and “risky shift phenomena”, and describe the reasons why these dangers occur and strategies for responding to these problems.

III. Discuss and demonstrate understanding of cultural influences within a group, and upon the group process: including discussing cultural identity, high and low context communication, crossing cultural boundaries, and identifying, analyzing and reducing group biases, stereotypes, and prejudices.

IV. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in a group context: identify and demonstrate good listening behaviors, identify and explain the role of non-verbal communication and how to create a positive group climate, identify the advantages and disadvantages of conflict, and demonstrate how to manage conflict within a group.

V. Demonstrate the ability to conduct an effective meeting: Construct an agenda, clarify roles, manage time and record the process.

VI. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and stimulate critical thinking within a group: apply reflective thinking to a problem, identify rules for brainstorming and facilitate a brainstorming session.

VII. Define and demonstrate good leadership: communication behaviors associated with leadership, identify and apply appropriate leadership approaches to circumstances, discuss types of power and the role of power within a group, and utilize appropriate criteria for selecting effective decision making techniques.

VIII. Develop and apply criteria for effective group participation in evaluating their own and peer behavior.


I.  Case Study Presentation (100-110 points):  Students will self-select heterogeneous work groups of five to seven students to investigate and present a case study to the class illustrating small group communication concepts from chapters one through five. Instructor reserves the right to re-arrange groups that do not meet criteria for diversity. This project will facilitate teams’ understanding and application of the concepts of competent small group communication, small groups as systems, stages of group development, developing the group climate, group roles and leadership.

II. Mix It Up: Democracy and Equality Projects (150-160 points): Students will be re-arranged in new self-selected heterogeneous teams of five to seven students for their second group project. Instructor reserves the right to adjust the members of groups that do not meet criteria for diversity. Groups will explore development of effective teams and learn to apply effective decision making and problem solving. Students will also analyze power in groups, conflict management, and become familiar with fallacies in argument. Students will learn to apply concepts of democracy and equality to their own group practice.

The structure of this project allows students to learn while doing, actively applying team process and small group communication principles while exploring a problem or issue of public policy that relates to democracy and equality. The Mix it Up project is action-based and students will be involved in observing, investigating, planning and acting in order to understand and change the world we all live in.

III.  Participation in Class Discussions & Exercises and Chapter Assignments (150-160 points):  Jigsaw groups will be formed to discuss readings from textbook, analyze case studies, engage in learning activities and to complete chapter exercises. Students will need to attend class to understand small group communication concepts and apply them in their papers, class discussions, class activities and projects. Class attendance is expected and points will be awarded based on participation exercises and assignments included in participation folder.




Grading for each assignment is assessed according to specific criteria discussed in class and posted on the class website.

Note: Each student can keep an accurate and up to date record of his or her grade by totaling the achieved points and dividing by the total number of points possible. The result will yield a percentage that can be converted into a grade based upon the following scale:


Total Points

Letter Grade

Percentage Grade



95 – 100



90 – 94



87 – 89



84 – 86



80 – 83



77 – 79



74 – 76



70 – 73



I.  Textbook & Readings – Textbook and all readings are required. Students need to bring textbooks to class each day (except for symposium days as scheduled).  Students are expected to read assigned chapters before class to be able to participate in class discussion and to complete exercises.


II. Class Discussion/Participation/Exercises - Students must attend class to receive credit for discussing assigned chapters, participate in class exercises and to develop relationship and credibility with classmates. I do not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences; an absence is an absence. More than 10 absences will result in a failing grade for the class. 


A. Assignments are accepted on or before the due date, by the start of class time. If you are unable to attend class on due date, you may mail, email or drop off assignment in R230 by the start of class time on date due. No late assignments will be accepted.

B. In-class exercises cannot be made up unless arrangements are made prior to absence with instructor approval.

C. Late arrival to class is distracting and inconsiderate. Tardy students will receive ½ points for the day’s participation and exercises. Students who arrive ten or more minutes late will lose all participation points for the day. Chronic lateness will result in disciplinary action.

Note:  If you are late, and a student is delivering a speech, you are required to wait outside the door until speech is completed.  Students who ignore this policy will forfeit their participation points for the day. 

D. Personal breaks - Students are expected to visit the restroom and take care of other personal needs during the passing time between classes and during class break. Students who make a habit of disturbing class by leaving during lecture will lose participation points for the day.

E. Class notes/materials - Students, whether present or not, are responsible for all material presented in class and absent students are responsible for obtaining class materials and notes from classmates (including handouts) or if available – from class Internet site .

Two classmates to contact in case of absence:

                        Name                                                  Phone                                      Email              



F. Passing the Class - Students are required to complete all journal entries and group symposium projects to pass the class. Unless arrangements are made with instructor prior to due dates or presentations, students who are absent on due dates will receive a zero and a failing grade for the class. If students have documented schedule conflicts and notify the instructor at least a week in advance, group presentations dates may be re-arranged if time permits and with instructor approval.


I. Student Behavior – Students are expected to respect the rights of fellow students and the instructor.  All students have the right to a safe, productive, and uninterrupted learning environment.  If students fail to show due respect to instructor or fellow students or disrupt the learning process, instructor will take action per BCC’s Student Code of Conduct It is student’s responsibility to become familiar with these policies.

II. Participation Students are expected to participate in class discussions, assignments and projects both verbally, in-writing, in research and in attitude.  Students are expected to complete individual and group assignments with a spirit of cooperation, respect and responsibility.  Team essay evaluations and confidential individual evaluations will allow students and instructors to jointly assess student’s individual and small group performance.


III. Accessing Course Materials – Students are expected to access and print course materials as instructed via the Internet from course website,  


III. Student Ethics and Academic Honesty – Plagiarism and cheating undermine the learning process, destroy student credibility and may result in expulsion from class, and/or the college.


A. Plagiarism – Students who use the ideas and theories of others or other supporting materials to complete class assignments are expected to give credit to the originator/author through proper citation of sources in bibliographies.

B. Cheating – Students found to be cheating or engaging in plagiarism in journals, on assignments, or for projects i.e. copying from others or using information without giving credit to the authors or originators materials, will receive an F for exam/assignment and the Dean of Instruction will be notified.


            If you require accommodation based on a documented disability, emergency medical information to share, or need special arrangements in case of emergency evacuation, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. If you would like to inquire about becoming a DSS student you may call 425-564-2498 or go in person to the DSS (Disability Support Services) reception area in B132. TTY: (425) 564-4110, Fax: (425) 564-4138,



Week 1




Course Overview

Syllabus, Icebreaker/Assignment: Read Ch. 1 & 2


Ch. 1  Rothwell

Transactional Communication/Comm. Competence


Case Studies

Gender & Individualism vs. Collectivism


Ch.  2 Rothwell

Groups as Systems


Case Studies

Methods of Boundary Control


Project #1: Case Study (CS) Groups

Orientation to Project. Teams Form, Storm & Norm



Journals 1 & 2 Due: Read Ch. 3 & 4 for next week

Week 2




Ch.  3 Rothwell

Group Development


Case Studies

Cliques and Hazing Rituals


Project #1: CS Groups Meet

CS Teams Decide on Topic/Case Study and begin Research


Ch. 4 Rothwell

Developing the Group Climate


Case Studies

Gender, Competition & Culture


Project #1: CS Groups

Team Research/Work Session



Journals 3 & 4 Due: Read Ch. 5 & 6 for next week

Week 3




Ch. 5  Rothwell

Roles & Leadership in Groups


Case Studies

The Stanford Prison Study, Gender/Ethnic Leadership Bias, Effective vs. Ineffective Leadership

07/07– Pt I

Project #1: CS Groups

Team Work Session Speech Rough Outlines Due

07/07- Pt II

Ch. 6 Rothwell

Developing Effective Teams


Case Studies

The U.S. Women’s Basketball Team & IDEO


Project #1: Symposiums

Two teams present on Thursday



Journals 5 & 6 Due. Project #1: Team Essay Evaluations & Individual Evals. due 07/12; Read Ch. 8 for next week

Week 4



07/12  - 13

Project #2: Symposiums

Four remaining teams will present – two teams per day on Monday and Tuesday


Ch. 8 Rothwell

Group Discussion: Effective Decision Making & Problem Solving/Case Study


Project #2: Democracy and Equality Symposiums

Class discussion of Project Requirements/Brainstorm Topics/Decide on New Groups



Read Ch. 7 & 9 for next week

Week 5




Project #2: D & E Teams Meet

Orientation: Icebreaker; Establish Group Rules, Roles, Norms; begin Standard Agenda process


Ch. 7 Rothwell

Group Discussion: Defective Decision Making/Case Study


Project #2: Research Day

Meet in N Bldg Lobby for Computer Lab


Ch. 9 Rothwell

Power in Groups: A Central Dynamic



Journal 7 & 8 Due; Complete Standard Agenda; Read Ch. 10 for next week

Week 6




Project #2: D & E

Group Research/Work Day - Teams Meet to Implement Action


Ch. 10 Rothwell

Conflict Mgmt in Groups


Project #2: Rehearsal Day

Teams meet to finalize presentations; Rough drafts of Presentation Outlines Due


Project #2: Symposiums

Presentations Begin, two per day



Journal 9 & 10 Due

Week 7




Project #2 Symposiums

Presentations Continue, two per day (Monday & Tues)



Team Essay Evaluations Due, Team’s Final Standard Agenda Due, Individual Evaluations Due


Final Exam Day

Concluding Celebration

*Note: Revisions may be made to this schedule to accommodate curriculum.