Core Themes

Bellevue College's four core themes collectively express the mission of the college.

BC's campus.

Core Themes: Objectives, Indicators, and Measures of Achievement

The college has established objectives, indicators, and measures of achievement in order to continuously assess mission fulfillment.

Student Success

BC supports the success of all students in meeting their educational goals through its commitments to open access learning; to offer a portfolio of appropriate and well-chosen educational programs, services, and activities; and to its ongoing attention to student persistence and educational attainment.

Teaching and Learning Excellence

BC prepares and enables excellence in teaching and learning through its commitments to ensure relevance, responsiveness, and inclusiveness of curriculum; to maintain an effective teaching environment by supporting the teaching and professional achievement of all faculty; to provide for the accessibility of quality learning support services; and to monitor the academic and professional success of all students.

College Life and Culture

BC values a learning and working environment through its commitments to support a campus environment that is diverse, inclusive, open, safe, and accessible; to model a college community that affirms and embodies pluralism and values collaboration and shared decision making; and to honor and practice sustainability, creativity and innovation.

Community Engagement and Enrichment

BC strives to be a leader and partner in building a strong and vibrant region through its commitments to collaborate with businesses, industries, local school districts, primary transfer institutions, alumni, donors, and governmental and social services organizations to develop and refine educational programs that prepare individuals for academic success, employment, and lifelong learning; and to provide programs and space for use by the community at large.