Instructor of Art 110 2-D Design, 111 Color and Design, 120 Basic Drawing, 121 Figure Drawing and 240 Oil Painting
Pat De Caro was born and raised in Philadelphia. She attended drawing classes for gifted children at the Fleisher Art Memorial school. She studied art at Temple University and the Tyler School of Art. Before moving to the Northwest, she worked as a display manager for Macy’s and also as a graphic designer for a small publishing firm she came to Seattle to pursue formal studies at the University of Washington and received a M.F.A. in painting. Besides the UW, De Caro studied with Joan Brown during a Masters Painting workshop at Centrum, Port Townsend.
Pat lived and painted in Italy on a Fulbright Hays Fellowship. With the assistance of the fellowship she maintained a studio in Milan and was able to travel in Italy and see paintings by Italian masters such as Giotto and Piero della Francesca. De Caro has been an artist in residence at several artists colonies including the Mac Dowell Colony and the Ragdale Foundation. Most recently she was an artist in residence at the Atelier Hoherweg in Dusseldorf, Germany. She was able to see the Art Fair in Cologne that year, attend the Rosemarie Trockel retrospective opening at the Museum Ludwig, and also travel to Berlin on a couple of occasions. Her recent exhibitions include solo shows in Dusselfdorf, Germany in 2005 and Milan, Italy in 2004. She frequently shows in Seattle at the Francine Seders Gallery.
At BC Pat teaches 2-D Design, Beginning Drawing and Color courses. Previously she taught at Seattle University and has also taught at Western Washington University, the University of Washington and Pratt. You can view Pat’s work on her online portfolio.