Bellevue College

 On the Job Communications

Fall Quarter, 2013


Instructor Information – Contact via email or phone.


Amanda Johnson,

Office, R 130



Course Schedule

          Every Saturday, September 28 to December 7

9am to 12pm Plus one hour online work per week

Room number: R101


Required Textbooks

Send Me A Message by Mackey, Daphne.  (2004).  ISBN:  9781121407695 McGraw Hill: NY.


Important information: You will need this book for class and online assignments. You can purchase this book at the BC Bookstore. Take this handout to the bookstore when you purchase the book.  Speak to Anthony Wellnitz if you have any problem buying the book.


The BC library has some books for short term loan.  Send me a Message is not available in the public library system.


What will you learn in this class?


This class will teach you how to communicate with your co-workers in an office environment in the United States.  By the end of the quarter, you will be able to:



About the class



Attendance is very important for your progress.  You must attend every class and complete the online part of the class.


If you miss 20% of the total class time (2 classes) without a reasonable excuse, you will NOT receive a certificate of completion.


Important: If you are going to be absent, please call or send me an e-mail.





Grading and Homework

On some of your tests and on your homework, I will write these numbers:


4 or É


3 or P


2 or P-

Needs more work

1 or -



Your writing score for this course is based on your homework.  It is important to complete and submit all your homework assignments on time.  You can submit your homework either in class using your folder, or by email.  Listen for directions.



Student Progress


Students in ESL classes at Bellevue College should make progress in their level.  If there is no progress, students may not continue in the classes.  The teacher looks at your attendance, classroom work, and tests (including CASAS tests) to decide your progress.  The teacher will tell you at the end of the quarter that you need to improve.  If you don’t improve, you might not be able to register for classes in the future. You can review Student Procedures and Expectations policies at


Campus Closure

During bad weather, check or call Bellevue College (BC) at 425-401-6680 to see if classes have been cancelled or not. Check your e-mail on the morning of class – your instructor may send an e-mail as early as 8am.


Public Safety

      The Bellevue College Public Safety Department’s staff provides personal safety, security, crime prevention, and other services to the campus community, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.  Their phone number is 425.564.2400. Public Safety is located in K100 and on the web at:



Disabilities Resource Center


Some people may have a special medical problem.  If you have information to tell me about a medical problem, please see me after class or come to see me in my office.  Then,we can plan for an emergency. If you have a disability and need special help in class, I can tell you about our Disability Resource Center (DRC).


    The DRC is in the Library Media Center. Call the DRC on 425.564.2498 or TTY 425.564.4110. Information is also on their website at



We do not wish other people (parents, spouses, and friends of students) to speak for students about school performance because this can slow student growth and progress. We do this because we would like students to speak for themselves and be independent.  We also do it because federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) says that we must protect the privacy of student education records.  It is BC policy to keep school performance between the school and the student. If a student asks for a parent, spouse, or friend to be at any instructor-student discussion of academic performance, instructors will look at each situation and make the final decision. You can see all of this policy, Arts and Humanities Commitment to Student Growth and Development, at




Students in this program often like to do nice things for their teachers at the end of the quarter. A card with words from all the students, flowers and food are good ways to thank your teacher. You do not need to buy your teacher a gift or give money.