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English 074

ENGL 074 Developmental English
1021 B Gordon Leighton

ENGL 091 Basic Grammar & Sentence Patterns
1030 A Michael Beasley
1032 OAS James Goldsmith

ENGL 105 Grammar & Communication
1125 A Michael Beasley
1127 OAS James Goldsmith

English 092

ENGL 092 Developmental English IV
1038 B Michael Meyer
1039 C Michael Meyer

1045 OAS Kathleen White (092/093)
1046OBS Kathleen White (092/093)

The Accelerated Composition Track

English 092 Developlental English
ENGL& 101 English Composition I
1034 XA Roger George
1035 XB Donna Miguel
1036 XC Elisabeth Kraus

English 093

ENGL 093 Composition for Non-Native Speakers
1052 A Sean Allen
1054 B Hyesu Park
1957 E Hyesu Park

1061 OAS Kathleen White (092 / 093)
1062 OBS Kathleen White (092/093)

The Accelerated Composition Track

English 093 Composition for Non-Native Speakers
ENGL& 101 English Composition I
1050 XA Megan Hansen
1051 XB Sean Allen
1052 XC Nancy Eichner


ENGL& 101 English Comp I
1066 B Michael Meyer
1069 D Catherine Berkenfield
1070 E Garrett Nichols
1071 HYB Lynne Walker
1072 HYC Barb Butler
1073 HYD Karrin Peterson|
1075 F Roger George
1076 HYE Ewan Magie
1077 HYF Patricia Mesch
1080 HYG Rhonda Gilliam
1081 HYH Cassie Cross
1082 HYI Barb Butler
1083 H Jeffery White
1084 I Steve Yarborough
1086 J Donna Miguel
1087 HYJ Natalie Martinez
1088 HYK Barb Butler
1090 K Sean Allen
1092 HYL Hyesu Park
1093 HYP Isaiah Hemmen
1094 N Natalie Martinez
1095 HYM Donna Cowan
1096 LSA Michael Beasley (start date: 4/22)
1097 LSB Donna Cowan (start date: 4/23)
1100 P Katie Austin-Miranda
1101 Q Katie Austin-Miranda
1102 R Tobi Rosenberg
1104 S Deborah Pope
1105 HYN Garrett Nichols

1110 OAS David Lopez-Kopp
1111 OBS David Lopez-Kopp
1112 OCS Laura Burns
1113 ODS Laura Burns
1114 OES Pat Andrus
1115 OFS Carrie Tomberlin
1116 OGS James Goldsmith
1117 OHS Carrie Tomberlin
1118 OIS Paula Sebastian
1119 OJS Paula Sebastian
1120 OKS James Torrence
1122 OMS Elizabeth Kraus
1109 OOS James Torrence


ENGL 201 The Research Paper

1130 HYA Jim Dicus
1131 HYB Jim Dicus
1132 A Gary Olson
1133 HYC Ewan Magie
1135 HYE Jim Dicus
1136 B Jeffery White
1137 C Gary Olson
1138 HYF Laura Burns
1139 HYG Karrin Peterson
1140 D Michael Beasley
1141 HYH Karrin Peterson
1142 E Suzy Lepeintre
1144 F Donna Miguel
1143 HYI Patricia Mesch
1145 G Gary Olson
1146 H Rhonda Gilliam
1148 I Jim Chin
1149 J Steve Yarborough

1152 OAS Julianne Seeman
1153 OBS Julianne Seeman
1154 OCS Steven Yarborough
1155 ODS Steven Yarborough
1156 OES Martha Silano
1157 OFS Martha Silano

ENGLISH 235 Technical Writing

ENGL 235 Technical Writing
1163 HYB Sydney Dietrich
1164 A Garrett Nichols
1165 HYC Lynne Walker
1166 B Donna Cowan

1160 OAS Sydney Dietrich
1170 OBS Sydney Dietrich
1171 OCS Paula Sebastian
1172 ODS Pat Mesch
1173 OES Lynne Walker

Writing Fiction

ENGL 237 / 238 / 239 Writing Fiction I / II / III
1175/ 1177 / 1179 A Jeffery White
1176 / 1178/ 1180 / OAS Cassie Cross


ENGL 247 / 248 / 249 Writing Poetry I / II / III
1183 / 1184 / 1185 / OAS Pat Andrus


ENGL 271 Expository Writing I
1188 A Natalie Martinez
1190 C Jeffery White
1192 E Elizabeth Harazim

1195 OAS Kathleen White
1196 OBS Deborah Pope

ENGL 272 Expository Writing II
1198 A Natalie Martinez
1200 C Jeffery White
1202 E Elizabeth Harazim

1205 OAS Kathleen White
1206 OBS Deborah Pope


ENGL 111 Intro to Lit
1210 A David Lopez-Kopp
1211 OAS James Torrence

ENGL 112 Intro to Fiction
1214 A Gordon Leighton

ENGL 221 Popular Literatre: Science Fiction
1219 OAS Rhonda Gilliam

Bellevue College • Division of Arts & Humanities
3000 Landerholm Circle SE • R230 • Bellevue, WA 98007-6484

Disclaimer: The contents on this website may become out of date and are subject to change without notice. This page is not meant to replace the BC Course Catalog or the BC Credit Class Schedule

Page updated: May 7, 2014