
Online tutoring available for Intro Engineering, Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials & Statics

Online Engineering Resources

Khan Academy


Study Skills Resources

Additional Resources

Linked-in Learning

Linked-in Learning – previously – is a training and professional development platform featuring an enormous amount of helpful training resources taught by industry professionals. This resource is freely available to anyone with an active BC email address. To start learning now, click the link above and the page will open in a new tab. Click the ‘Sign in’ button, located in the upper righthand portion of the page, and enter your Bellevue College email address and password.

Textbooks, Solution Manuals, Graphing Calculators and more!

The ASC (D204) has select textbooks, solution manuals, graphing calculators and headphones that may be borrowed and used in the ASC with a BC student I.D. card. The  ASC also has charging stations for phones, laptops, calculators, etc. Select cables available for charging devices.

Last Updated August 2, 2024