Textbooks, Solution Manuals, Graphing Calculators & More!

The ASC has textbooks, solution manuals, headphones and more items that may be borrowed and used within the ASC. We also have charging stations for phones, laptops, calculators, etc. Select cables available for charging devices and there is also a supply table full of items like pens/pencils, whiteboards, scrap paper and many other office supplies!

Graphing Calculators available for a 24hour checkout period!


Course #Book TitleAuthorBook EditionSolutions Manual Available
ABE 051Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and DivisionJerry Howett
ABE 052Fractions, Decimals, and PercentsJerry Howett
ABE 053Number Power ReviewRobert Mitchell
ABE 054Number Power ReviewRobert Mitchell
ACCT 101/102Horngren’s AccountingMiller-Nobles/Mattison/Matsumara12th
ACCT 172 QuickBooks OnlinePatricia Hartley
ACCT 201/202Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision MakingKimmel/Weygandt/Kieso9th
ACCT 203Managerial AccountingGarrison/Noreen/Brewer14thYes
ACCT 234Horngren’s Accounting The Managerial ChaptersMiller-Nobles/Mattison/Matsumura13th
ACCT 266Microsoft Excel for AccountingEric A. Weinstein, CPA
ASTR 100/101Astronomy A Beginner’s Guide To The UniverseChaisson/McMillan8th
BA 240StatisticsMcClave/Sincich12thYes
BIOL 100Biology For a Changing WorldShuster/Vigna/Tontonoz/Sinha2nd
BIOL 108Visualizing Human BiologyKathleen A. Ireland4th
BIOL 108Gunstream’s Anatomy & Physiology with integrated study guideLaPres/Kersten/Tang6th“Integrated study guide”
BIOL 108Human BiologyBellevue Collegelab manual
BIOL 160Biology Concepts and InvestigationsHoefnagels5th
BIOL 211Biological ScienceFreeman/Quillin/Allison/Black/Podgorski/Taylor/Carmichael7th
BIOL 212/213Biological ScienceFreeman/Quillin/Allison/Black/Podgorski/Taylor6th
BIOL 241/242Human Anatomy & PhysiologyMarieb/Hoehn11th“Study Guide”
BIOL 260Foundations in MicrobiologyTalaro/Chess9th
BOTAN 110Braiding Sweetgrass
Robin Wall Kimmerer
BTS 109Business Communication EssentialsBovee/Thill7th
BTS 110HTML & CSS design and build websitesDuckett
BTS 144Microsoft Office 365 Outlook 2016 IntermediateHoisington
BTS 147PowerPoint 2016Gaskin/Geoghan
BTS 161Office 2016Gaskin/Vargas/Geoghan/Graviett
BTS 163Word 2016Gaskin/Vargas
BTS 165Excel 2016Gaskin/Vargas
BTS 168Access 2016Gaskin/Graviett
BTS 174Windows 10Clemens
BTS 186InDesign Illustrator & Photoshop CC
BTS 187Adobe InDesign CC
BTS 188Adobe Photoshop CC
BTS 189Learning Web DesignRobbins5th
BTS 201WordPress
All-In-One for dummies
Sabin3rd edition
BTS 210Microsoft SharePoint 2013Londer/Coventry
BTS 265Excel 2016Gaskin/Vargas
BTS 268Access 2016Gaskin/Graviett
BTS 280Microsoft Project 2013Richie
BUS 101Introduction to Business
Business Management-BUS 101
(Contains material from “Understanding Business”)10th
BUS 101Introduction to BusinessNickels11th
BUS 101Understanding BusinessNickels/McHugh12th
BUS 120Essentials of Organizational BehaviorRobbins/Judge14th
BUS 145Business MathCleaves/Hobbs/Noble11thYes
BUS 201Business Law TodayMiller11th
BUS 221Fundamentals of Human Resource ManagementDessler4th
BUS 230Project Management
The Managerial Process
Erik W. Larson & Clifford F. Gray8th
BUSIT 103SQL Queries for Mere MortalsViescas/Hernandez3rd
CEO 057GED test Prep Plus 2024-2025KAPLEN
CEO 057Preparación Para El Examen De GEDMc Graw HillTercera Edición
CHEM 110Cooking for GeeksPotter2nd
CHEM 110Science 101 ChemistryKiernan/D’Agnese
CHEM 121General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
Structures of Life
CHEM 131General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
Structures of Life
CHEM 140An Introduction to Chemistry
Atoms First
Mark Bishop
CHEM 140Introductory ChemistryTro5thYes
CHEM 161/162/163Chemistry Structure and PropertiesTro2ndYes
CHEM 261/262/263A Microscale Approach to Organic Laboratory TechniquesPavia, Lampman, Kriz, Engel6th
CHIN 121Integrated ChineseYuehua and Tao-chung Yao4thWorkbook & Character book
CHIN 123Integrated ChineseYuehua Liu and Tao-chung Yao4th
CMST 250/350Communicating at workRonald B.Adler
Michelle Maresh-Fuehrer
Jeanne Elmhorst
Kristen Lucas
CS 101Fluency 7 with information technology
Skills, Concepts, & Capabilities
Snyder, Henry7th
CS 210/211Building Java Programs
A Back to Basics Approach
CS 212Introduction to Programming with C++Liang3rd
DA 310Business Analytics
Methods, Models, and Decisions
DBA 130Database Design for Mere MortalsHernandez3rd
ECON 202MacroeconomicsColander11th
ENGR 114A Concise Introduction to Engineering GraphicsTimothy J. Sexton6th
ENGR 204Electric CircuitsNilsson/Riedel10th
ENGR 214Engineering Mechanics
ENGR 215Engineering Mechanics
ENGR 224Thermodynamics
An Engineering Approach
ENGR 225Mechanics of MaterialsHibbeler10th
FRCH 121/122/123Promenades
Mitchell, Mitschke/Tano2nd
GEOL 101Essentials of GeologyStephen Marshak5th
GERM 121/122/123Sag Mal
An Introduction to German Language and Culture
HSC 055AlgebraMitchell
ITAL 121/122/123SentieriCozzarelli2nd
JAPN 121/122/123Genki 13rd
JAPN 221/222/223Genki 23rd
Math 76PrealgebraLial/Hestwood6th
MATH 78Math Lit
A Pathway to College Mathematics
MATH 98Beginning AlgebraMiller/O’Neill/Hyde5thYes
MATH 99Intermediate AlgebraMiller/O’Neill/Hyde3rd
MATH 99Intermediate Algebra
Functions and Authentic Applications
MATH 107Viewing Life MathematicallyDenley/Hall
Math 107Math in SocietyLippman2.5
MATH 130The Practice of Statistics in the Life SciencesBaldi/Moore4rd
MATH 130Discovering Statistics and DataJames S. Hawkes3rd
MATH 131/132Mathematics for Teachers
An Interactive Approach for Grades K-8
MATH 138/148Mathematics with ApplicationsLial/Hungerford/Holcomb/Mullins12thYes
MATH 141/142PrecalculusBlitzer6thYes
Math 141/142PrecalculusBlitzer7th
Math 151/152/153Calculus
Early Transcendentals
MATH 151/152/153Calculus
Early Transcendentals
Briggs, Cochran, Gillett, Schulz3rdYes
MATH 151/152/153/254/255Contemporary Calculus 1/2/3/4/5Hoffman
MATH 208Linear Algebra and Its ApplicationsLay/McDonald5thYes
MATH 208Linear Algebra with ApplicationsLeon 8thYes
MATH 208Linear Algebra with ApplicationsLeon9thYes
MATH 208Linear Algebra with ApplicationsJeffrey HoltYes
MATH 238Differential EquationsWilliam Trench
MATH 238A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling ApplicationsZill10thYes
Math 238Elementary Differential EquationsKohler & Johnson
MATH 240Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and ScientistsSteven Chapra4th
Math 301Discrete Mathematics
Elementary & Beyond
MATH 341/342An Introduction to Statistical Methods & Data AnalysisOtt & Longnecker7thYes
MBS 330Genetics from Genes to GenomesHartwell/Goldberg/Fischer/Hood5th
MBS 340Karp’s Cell & Molecular BiologyIwasa/Marshall8th
METR 101Introduction to the WeatherAhrens
MKTG 154MKTGLamb/Hair/McDaniel
MUSC 110/111/112Contemporary Musicianship
Analysis and The Artist
NUTR 100Nutrition For LifeThompson/Manore4th
NUTR 100Nutrition For A Changing WorldPope/Nizielski/McCook
NUTR 101Nutrition From Science To YouBlake/Munoz/Volpe3rd
OCEA 101Essentials of OceanographyGarrison7th
PHYS 114/115/116College PhysicsKnight/Jones/Field3rdYes
PHYS 121/122/123PhysicsResnick/Halliday/Krane5thYes
PHYS 225Modern PhysicsHarris2ndYes
design and build websites
Jon Duckett
PROG 109JavaScript & JQuery
interactive front-end web development
Jon Duckett
PROG 110Visual C# 2015
An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Joyce Farrell6th
PROG 110Murach’s Python programmingUrban/Murach
PROG 111C++ Early ObjectsGaddis/Walters/Muganda10th
PROG 140SQL Server 2016 for developersMurach/Syverson
PSYC 100Presenting PsychologyLight/ Hull/ Ballantyne2nd
PSYC 100Psychology in Everyday LifeDavid G. Meyers/C. Nathan Dewall4th
PSYC 200Experiencing the LifespanJanet Belsky5th
PSYC 200Human Development
A Cultural Approach
PSYC 202Biological PsychologyJames E. Kalat11th
SOC 101essential of sociologyGeorge Ritzer
SOC 101Sociology 9
exploring the architecture of everyday life
SOC 101You May Ask YourselfConley2nd
SPAN 121/122/123VistasBlanco/Donley6th
SPAN 121/122/123VistasBlanco/Donley6th

Last Updated November 2, 2023