2022 Achievements and Current Projects:
- BC Guided Pathways:
- Convened the Guided Pathways Website Advisory Team as a part of the college’s Web redesign plan for 2023.
- Launched the BC Pathways website, showcasing commissioned and animated short videos introductions to each career pathway.
- Completed 24 Professional/Technical and 30 Transfer Program Maps as of June 2022.
- Faculty Professional Development:
- Continuing the work to build transparent onboarding of Full- and Part-time faculty across divisions, and pilot more effective student and peer evaluations.
- Will be working to build professional development opportunities for those who teach intro to majors courses.
- Integrated Student Supports (ISS):
- Worked with students to set over 2,000 Ed Plans as of Spring 2022.
- Expanding New Student Orientations (NSO) to include in-person along with virtual options.
- As a part of our larger Multicultural Services (MCS) division, both programs have hired lead coordinators to better serve their students beginning 2022! Find out more about both UMOJA and PUENTE at BC.
- Goals include improving outreach by further working with student Peer Educators, extending recruitment, and evaluating cohort feedback.
2022 Achievements and Current Projects:
- Convened the Guided Pathways Website Advisory Team as a part of the college’s Web redesign plan for 2023.
- Launched the BC Pathways website, showcasing commissioned and animated short videos introductions to each career pathway.
- Completed 24 Professional/Technical and 30 Transfer Program Maps as of June 2022.
- Continuing the work to build transparent onboarding of Full- and Part-time faculty across divisions, and pilot more effective student and peer evaluations.
- Will be working to build professional development opportunities for those who teach intro to majors courses.
- Worked with students to set over 2,000 Ed Plans as of Spring 2022.
- Expanding New Student Orientations (NSO) to include in-person along with virtual options.
- As a part of our larger Multicultural Services (MCS) division, both programs have hired lead coordinators to better serve their students beginning 2022! Find out more about both UMOJA and PUENTE at BC.
- Goals include improving outreach by further working with student Peer Educators, extending recruitment, and evaluating cohort feedback.
Peer Educators are student workers that have been recruited to act as a bridge between faculty and students in various capacities across campus to contribute to both groups’ understanding of the student journey. These students work with different ATD work teams in various capacities, from assisting with student outreach in the newly approved Student Success and Retention Office to diversity-focused student support initiatives through Multicultural Services (MCS).
2021 BC Accomplishments:
The ATD Data Team established a framework to demonstrate the connection between our institutional metrics, supplemental metrics and leading indicators. They continue to explore how best to disaggregate our student data and are determining best practices for the integration of ctcLink and TargetX.
Early Alert for Academic Support is BC’s program designed to identify and support students at risk of attrition. This year, a full-time coordinator was hired and the program continues to grow and improve with over 1,423 early alerts submitted.
The Faculty PD workgroup supported culturally-responsive learning communities and offered a formative course evaluation pilot with 40 faculty and 820 students participating. In addition, Canvas modules were developed for the Four Core Practices for Culturally Responsive Instruction (Universal Design for Learning, High 5, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and Introduction to Using Canvas).
The goal of FYS is to support students in creating a vision for themselves and this year four pilot sessions of this new course were offered. The course was added as an AAS-DTA requirement and 80 future FYS instructors participated in a training session. In 21-22, we anticipate offering 60+ sections of the course and will add FYS as a degree requirement to the remaining transfer degrees. We’ll also be working with the professional technical faculty to include FYS elements into their program’s current curriculum.
65 course maps were developed by 120 faculty. In addition, over 90 faculty were involved in creating Exploratory pathways to assist undecided students in determining which focus areas to choose in each pathway. Here is a short video from the SBCTC for more information about Pathways.
Students complete the BC Intake form as part of New Student Orientation. The form gives BC an opportunity to reach out with resources and services students may need on their BC journey. The spring 2021 goal for intake form completion was 45%; that goal was exceeded with 51% of students who applied for spring completing the Intake Form.
A new Math 099/141 co-requisite course has been developed and is scheduled to be offered for the first time in fall 2021. In addition, planning is underway for redesigning the pre-college math sequence to shorten the path for students. The Math Department employed a recruitment strategy for a new faculty position that resulted in hiring a faculty member with specific skills in outreach to Black and African American students.
Peer Educators are student workers that have been recruited to act as a bridge between faculty and students in various capacities across campus to contribute to both groups’ understanding of the student journey. These students work with different ATD work teams in various capacities, from assisting with student outreach in the newly approved Student Success and Retention Office to diversity-focused student support initiatives through Multicultural Services (MCS).
Last Updated December 1, 2023