School of Business & Technology Permission Codes

If you need a permission code (aka permission number) to register for the upcoming quarter, please review the information below.

Please note that it may take a few days to process your request. Permission codes should be requested at least two weeks prior to the start of the quarter to ensure proper processing time.

REMINDER: Prior to requesting a permission number students should review common ctcLink errors they may experience when trying to register. Permission codes will not work for any of the situations listed below:

1. Important Note: The system will always display a permission number field even if not required. If a box pops up asking you to enter a permission number, you may not actually need one. Please try ignoring it and click “save” – more often than not this works for students.

Permission code error sample

2. If the quarter you are trying to register for does not show as an option, you will need to fill out the Term Quarter Activation Request Form. This could be because:

  • You last took a class at Bellevue College more than four quarters ago, or
  • You applied for an earlier quarter but did not enroll until the next quarter, or
  • You now want to enroll for an earlier quarter than what you indicated on your admission application.
Term Activation Quarter Request Form Sample

3. Students should check and make sure there are no holds on their account blocking them from registering (i.e. late fees, vaccine attestation, etc.)

Holds on account ctcLink example

REMINDER: Review registration deadlines on the Academic Calendar in order to follow the appropriate process for requesting a permission code.

Open Registration

Students who are attempting to get into a class for which they do not have the required course prerequisite(s) will need to reach out to the appropriate program manager to request a permission code.

Students who are in the process of transferring in outside credits may be asked to submit unofficial transcripts to verify prerequisite courses and/or obtain instructor permission.

NOTE: Students should use the course catalog to check individual course prerequisite requirements to see if they are eligible to register. Unless approved by a program manager, students who have completed the general education prerequisites elsewhere should not request a permission code and instead follow the steps to clear/verify prerequisite requirements.

Late Registration

Students who are attempting to get into a class past the registration deadline will need to get late registration permission from the instructor.

If the instructor approves, the student will then need to reach out to the appropriate program manager to request a permission code for late entry.

Students who are attempting to register after “instructor permission enrollment ends” will need to get permission from both the instructor and the dean of the division.

Last Updated February 29, 2024