Community Education at Bellevue College has officially moved from North Campus to Main Campus. All support services and in-person courses will take place on main campus moving forward.

Here are a few helpful resources for finding your way to and around main campus:
Community Education is excited to welcome you to the main campus at Bellevue College. Home of the public, open access, and community-based higher education institute located with the City of Bellevue, Washington.
For instructors, we’re now accepting course proposals for the fall of 2023. If you’re interested in teaching a course at Community Education, please download our course proposal form found on our Information and Forms page, and send it to ce-programs@bellevuecollege.edu. Fall 2023 course proposals are due May 15th!
The Community Education unit of Bellevue College is a place to explore hobbies and interests. With an array of courses in world languages, art & design, and for seniors, Bellevue College Community Education is a premier option for residents of the Puget Sound.
Last Updated April 10, 2023