
Finance pillar graphic

VOL. 3 – NOVEMBER 1, 2021


Nov. 1 – 10B Payroll Runs

Nov. 4 – HP shuts down

Nov. 8-12 – Finance Business offices closed

Nov. 9 – ctcLink goes live for staff

Nov. 15 – P-Cards are reactivated

Nov. 15-19 – Finance Business offices open (limited service)

Nov. 29 – First day to disburse financial aid in ctcLink

Nov. 29 – Winter registration begins


With the launch of ctcLink, the Finance Office (Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Student Financial Accounts, Travel, Budget Office) will be closed Nov. 8-12.

Staff across many departments will work in all-day training sessions with the SBCTC support team. Patience will be appreciated as the Finance Office continues its efforts. Also, please be considerate of our Finance colleagues as they review the data in ctcLink to assure a successful migration. We don’t expect all the data to be perfect, so it will take some time for staff to clean it up. Again, please be understanding.

If you have an issue related to security access or account activation during the first week, virtual support from our Support Specialists will be available. They are trained to address the common issues that arise or can escalate an issue that they aren’t able to resolve. Visit the website for details as we get closer to go-live.

Known Finance-related issues that will be addressed after Nov. 15:

  • Item Type Request Process – Some item type numbers will need to be added, changed or removed. This will occur starting Nov. 15.
  • FMS Query Reports – FMS Query will remain static as of Nov. 4. Budget and Fiscal Reporting can be done in ctcLink with transaction-level detail starting Nov. 15. We will continue to explore and communicate the best screens and reports for users to access financial data.

Other data error issues.

Request Center tickets for Finance-related issues will be addressed starting in December.


Join us to learn about creating Quick Invoice entries in ctcLink, the replacement for My A19 app, on Nov. 4, from 11 – 11:30 a.m.

Attendance is required for access to the Quick Invoice form
in ctcLink. You can register here or visit the Finance Resource Center.

After completing the training, you’ll have learned how to:

  • Determine what types of payments qualify for Quick Invoice
  • Create Quick Invoice requests in ctcLink
  • Understand how to look up entries you’ve already created

After attending the training, Finance will request access to the Quick Invoice form on your behalf.


Come learn about Employee Reimbursements in ctcLink on Nov. 4, from 1-1:30 p.m. The presentation will focus on non-travel employee reimbursements using the Expense Report, located in the Travel and Expense module of ctcLink.

You can register here or visit the Finance Resource Center.


Budget authorities will need to know how to delegate approval for various finance tasks.

Delegation is the act of giving someone authority or responsibility for handling approvals. A delegate/proxy is someone to represent your approvals during an absence like vacation or medical
leave. Some of the approvals that may be delegated include Travel Authorizations, Cash Advances, Expense Reports,

and Requisitions. Delegations are set at the process level, not at the department or chartstring level.

The Chartstring List for Budget Manager in the Finance Resource Center replaces the Budget Authority List.


P-cards will be available for use again on Nov. 15. The process of reconciling purchases will change as BC discontinues use of the Certify application and the use of hard copy statements.

Reconciliation of P-cards made after the impact period will be processed through ctcLink once the system launches.

Training will be provided in late November to coincide with the initial ctcLink reconciliation window.

Questions? Contact


The following legacy finance systems will be replaced by ctcLink:

  • FMS Query (available, but no new data will be entered). Users with FSCM access, such as Budget Managers, will access financial data directly from ctcLink by using specific screens and queries.
  • Certify

My A19 app replaced by Quick Invoices, Requisitions, and Expense Reports: The My A19 app was used for processing payments to vendors as well as for employee reimbursements. In ctcLink, payments for dues, registrations, or memberships, or any payment made to state agencies, can go through the Quick Invoice screen. Payments to reimburse an employee go through the Expense Report. All other payments go through the Requisition screen.


Please visit the Finance Resource Center for more information on

campus cutoffs, useful tools and crosswalks, and more.
For information on paying invoices and submitting requisitions in

ctcLink, see the new Purchasing Guide.
For information on employee reimbursements and travel documents

in ctcLink, see the new Travel & Expense Guide.
For information on understanding general ledger and chartstrings in

ctcLink, see the new General Ledger Guide.
And as always, additional information on the transition to ctcLink can

be found on the ctcLink website.

If you have suggestions on improving this email, we would enjoy hearing from you. Contact Yves Martin, Communications Manager, at:

Additional Updates

VOL. 2 – OCTOBER 13, 2021

FINANCE PILLAR UPDATE This is an overview of important dates related to the adoption of ctcLink. As before, we encourage you to add them to your calendar. UPCOMING CUTOFF DATE: OCT. 18 Final day to approve A19s in the My ...

Pillar Update: Finance Vol. 1 – August 2, 2021

Today’s Finance Pillar Update focuses on purchasing. Before the ctcLink “go-live” date (November8), purchasing functions will be paused as Bellevue College moves from the old system to the newone. This purchasing freeze will help ensure that the Finance Module of ...
Finance Pillar Updates

Last Updated November 1, 2021