Below you will find courses arranged by employee category. Under each employee category you will find courses for employees based on a specific function/role. The goal of the list below is to make it easier for employees to know which training they should complete once the Training Sessions are available.
Important Notes
- Courses are self-paced. Longer courses allow you to pause at certain points (end of modules) and continue at a later time so you do not need to complete the course all in one sitting.
- If you are unsure which course you should complete, please check with your supervisor.
- Be sure to complete your Phase 1 courses by the deadline dates! UAT Testers: Need to score 80% and above to remotely attend Phase 2 and Phase 3 sessions. All Employees who are not UAT Testers: Need to score 60% or above
- Additional guided training will be offered in Phase 2 and Phase 3.
How to Register for ctcLink Training Courses
- See the Recommended Training by Employee Type and Function/Role section below. Identify the courses you would like to register for. Here is a handy guide with course descriptions.
- Go to the ctcLink Implementation Phase Canvas Course Registration page . View this video or consult this handout on how to register.
- Complete the registration.
- For Institution, choose Bellevue College from the pull-down menu.
- For Email Address, enter your Bellevue College Email address.
- Select the courses you would like to register for and click submit (pushing “enter” on the keyboard won’t work and you’ll have to re-do everything.)
- When you next log in to Canvas, the training courses you selected will be available under your course list using your BC account.
How do I know what trainings to take?
Each employee will take the All Employee Training + Core Training by your department + the additional training by your role.
Faculty please scroll down this page to see the Tier 1, 2 and 3 trainings identified specifically for faculty.
How do I know whether I have completed my training?
Please check Weekly ctcLInk Training Completion Report.xlsx ( which is uploaded regularly to show employee progress.
- Core Training (All Faculty)
- Supplemental Training (Full-Time Faculty required, Adjunct Faculty optional)
- Optional Training
Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Directors and Above
- Core Training (Administrative Assistants and Executive Assistants)
- Core Training (Directors and Above)
All Employees and Managers
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals 9.2 (Optional if you feel you have a good grasp of your other trainings)
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: Traveler (if you travel for work)
- Faculty: Please scroll down to Faculty category for your role.
Managers should consult with supervisor whether the set of manager training is appropriate.
- PeopleSoft Fundamentals 9.2 (optional)
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: Traveler
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
Student Services Employees
- CC100 Campus Community (Student Information)
- CS100 Student Self-Service
- CH100 CS Staff Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: Traveler (if you travel for work)
- CC100 Campus Community
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- CC201 3Cs Communications Setup
- RA101 Admissions
- RA201 Admissions: OAA Suspense Management
- CA100 Advisor Self-Service
- AS100 Academic Structure
- AA100 Academic Advisement Rules
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- SR100 Curriculum Management: Course Catalog
- SR101 Curriculum Management: Class Scheduling
- SR102 Student Records: Beginning of Term Processes
- SR103 Student Records: Enrollment Processes
- SR105 Credentials Management: Evaluations & Transfer Credit
- SR106 Credentials Management: End of Term & Graduation
- SR107 Special Student Populations
- AA100 Academic Advisement Rules
- AS100 Academic Structure
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- SR100 Curriculum Management: Course Catalog
- SR101 Curriculum Management: Class Scheduling
- SR105 Credentials Management: Evaluations & Transfer Credit
- SR106 Credentials Management: End of Term & Graduation
- SR107 Special Student Populations (optional)
- CE100 Continuing Education (optional)
- CF100 Faculty Self-Service (optional)
- CC100 Campus Community
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- CC201 3Cs Communications Setup
- FA100 ISIR Processing
- FA101 Managing 3Cs & Processing FA Applications
- FA102 Awarding Financial Aid & SAP
- FA103 Authorizing & Disbursing Financial Aid
- FA104 Processing Pell Payments & Direct Loans
- FA105 Processing Return to Title IV (R2T4)
- FA106 Financial Aid Reporting (FISAP, WCG, URR)
- FA107 Reconciliation, Including Work-Study
- FA206 Intermediate Reporting (WCG, FISAP)
- FA207 Intermediate Financial Aid Reconciliation
- SF100 Tuition Calculation
- SF106 Term Rollover
- SF100 Tuition Calculation
- SF101 Cashiering
- SF102 Refunds
- SF103 Payment Plans
- SF104 Third-Party Contracts
- SF105 Collections
- SF106 Term Rollover
- SF205 Intermediate Collections
- CA100 Advisor Self-Service
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- SR107 Special Student Populations
- AA100 Academic Advisement Rules
- AS100 Academic Structure
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- CC201 3Cs Communications Setup
- SF106 Term Rollover
- SR102 Student Records: Beginning of Term Processes
- SR103 Student Records: Enrollment Processes
- SR104 Student Records: End of Term Processes
- SR105 Credentials Management: Evaluations & Transfer Credit
- SR106 Credentials Management: End of Term & Graduation
- SR107 Special Student Populations
- SR100 Curriculum Management: Course Catalog
- SR101 Curriculum Management: Class Scheduling
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
Finance and Administrative Employees
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: Traveler
- AM100 Asset Management
- AP100 Accounts Payable
- AR100 Accounts Receivable
- AR200 Intermediate Accounts Receivable
- BI100 Billing
- BI200 Intermediate Billing
- CT100 Treasury (Cash Management)
- GL100 General Ledger Basics
- GL200 Intermediate General Ledger
- GL300 Advanced General Ledger
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- CN100 Customer Contracts
- GR100 Grants
- GR200 Intermediate Grants
- KK100 Commitment Control
- PC100 Project Costing
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU101 Purchasing: Purchase Orders
- PU102 Purchasing: Receipts and Maintenance
- PU103 Purchasing: P-Card
- AM100 Asset Management
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General User
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- EX102 Travel & Expenses: Travel Admin/Finance
Human Resources (HR) and Payroll Employees
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- HR100 HCM Core
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: Traveler
- HR200 Intermediate HCM Core
- FW100 Faculty Workload
- FW200 Intermediate Faculty Workload
- TM100 Talent Acquisition Manager
- AB100 Absence Management
- TL100 Time and Labor
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU101 Purchasing: Purchase Orders
- AB100 Absence Management
- TL100 Time and Labor
- PR100 Payroll
- BN100 Benefits
- TM100 Talent Acquisition Manager
- FW100 Faculty Workload
- FW200 Intermediate Faculty Workload
- HR200 Intermediate HCM Core
Instructional Employees
- CF100 Faculty Self-Service
- CS100 Student Self-Service
- AS100 Academic Structure
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General User
- SR100 Curriculum Management: Course Catalog
- SR101 Curriculum Management: Class Scheduling
- CC100 Campus Community (Student Information)
- FW100 Faculty Workload
- FW200 Intermediate Faculty Workload
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU101 Purchasing: Purchase Orders
- SR105 Credentials Management: Evaluations & Transfer Credit
- SR106 Credentials Management: End of Term & Graduation
- AA100 Academic Advisement Rules
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- SF106 Term Rollover
- SR107 Special Student Populations
- CE100 Continuing Education
- ES100 HCM Employee Self-Service
- CF100 Faculty Self-Service
- CS100 Student Self-Service
- CA100 Advisor Self-Service
- AS100 Academic Structure
- CC101 Managing 3Cs & Message Center
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: Traveler
Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Directors and Above
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General Use
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- PU103 Purchasing: Procurement Cards
- EX100 Travel & Expenses: General Use
- EX101 Travel & Expenses: Approver
- PU100 Purchasing: Requisitions
- MS100 HCM Manager Self-Service
- AS100 Academic Structure
Last Updated August 25, 2021