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At Bellevue Community College, the faculty and staff value Pluralism. Our “Affirmation of Inclusion” states that we are “committed to maintaining an environment in which every member of the campus community feels welcome to participate in the life of the College, free from harassment and discrimination.” Our Pluralism Compact represents our expressed collective commitment to the following principles:
- That a healthy community is a diverse community, where we fully appreciate and respect the wisdom inherent in every culture and recognize that differing perspectives contribute positively to any decision;
- That a diverse faculty and staff help to attract and retain a vibrant student body
that reflects the community we serve; - That a pluralistic curriculum motivates diverse learners to achieve the excellence we all value at Bellevue Community College;
- That inclusive college policies encourage everyone to interact in a dynamic and collaborative way while maintaining and valuing individual and cultural differences;
- That valuing the differences in a diverse student body enriches the learning experience for all;
- That the best remedy for intolerance and ignorance is to understand and value the perspectives of others.
Further, in signing our names to the Bellevue Community College Pluralism Compact, we commit to the following ongoing actions:
- To infuse pluralism into the curriculum and recognize it as an integral part of the learning process;
- To encourage diversity in our community by recognizing, welcoming, and encouraging people of any ethnicity, ability, religion, age, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation to participate fully in all aspects of community life— including decision-making at all levels;
- To actively discourage prejudice and discrimination;
- To report all incidents of violence or harassment;
- To value and increase the diversity of our faculty, staff, and students, specifically targeting underrepresented groups;
- To actively demonstrate that hatred and bigotry will not be tolerated at Bellevue Community College;
- To listen when we disagree and value the perspective of people who may not see things exactly as we do, to the end that we solve our common problems with peace and good will;
- To help make Bellevue Community College a safe environment where teaching and learning can take place effectively with full respect for the dignity of each individual person.
Signed on November 13, 2002
Last Updated August 25, 2014