If you want to learn more about effective online/hybrid course design, we highly recommend taking the following courses.
Teaching with Canvas: Canvas 101
Workshop Description: NEW AND IMPROVED! Canvas 101: includes training on the new Canvas user interface. This workshop, offered through the eLearning Center, teaches faculty how to deliver their course materials on the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Earn 22 professional credit hours, a Canvas badge, and a Certificate of Achievement. Faculty: Do you want to know how to integrate the Canvas learning management system (LMS) into an online or on-campus class? Do you need professional development hours to fulfill your faculty contract obligation? Didn’t have time to do professional development so far? Need a flexible online option for professional development
Register: Sign-Up for Canvas 101
Online Teaching Best Practices Course
Workshop Description: This pedagogy training is offered through Faculty Commons and focuses on investigating current best practices in teaching online/hybrid courses. Discussions and exercises center around topics such as effective course navigation, universal design, accessible content, copyright, and fair use, effective discussions and assessments, diversity and equity in online learning, and keeping up with the future of online education. The course is organized as a seminar, with each meeting focused on particular topics. This workshop is for instructors who have some experience teaching hybrid or online.
Register: Visit the Faculty Commons website.
Introduction to Accessibility Online Course
Workshop Description: This six to eight week online training is offered through Bellevue College eLearning. Accessibility course is designed as an introduction to the pedagogy of inclusive design/UDL and provides training around basic concepts of Accessibility that can be quickly and easily implemented into participants’ course materials. Participants will learn how to make easy additions to their courses to create an equally effective environment for all students. In addition to the readings and links posted in the course, participants will read Norman Coombs’ Making Online Teaching Accessible as an optional textbook. By the end of this training course, participants should be able to: Explain basic concepts and the importance of Accessibility, Discuss accessible tools used in course delivery, Provide examples of accessible content in their course, Practice how to apply styles on multiple platforms, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Modify a syllabus to make it accessible, Use tools for checking content accessibility, Access and review resources for creating accessible content on widely-used platforms in education. The Course Syllabus is public, so feel free to preview it before joining the course.
Register: This workshop is offered each quarter. Visit our eLearning Accessibility website.
Instructional Design Support
eLearning offers one-on-one or small group support. If you have any questions about online or hybrid course design, you can consult with the Instructional Designer. Instructional Designers will help instructors design their Canvas sites, based on the most effective instructional design principles. Both new to online/hybrid teaching and experienced instructors are welcome!
Email: elearning@bellevuecollege.edu to schedule an appointment.
Free e-Learning Training through the State Board
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) Online Course
Workshop Description: This interactive, two-week online training focuses on a backward course design process. One of the foundational principles of Quality Matters is an alignment of the critical course components which include Learning Objectives, Assessment and Measurement, Instructional Materials, Learning Interaction & Engagement, and Course Technology. When aligned, these critical course components reinforce one another to ensure that students achieve the desired learning outcomes. This online training takes approximately 10-12 hours per week to complete. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a Certificate. The QM Certificates are recognized at the national level.
Register: Contact Sukirti Ranade, eLearning Director, for more information. Disclaimer: All Quality Matters workshop registrations are managed by Bellevue College. Bellevue College will not hold any financial responsibility for the registrations completed directly through the Quality Matters registration system.
Introduction to Canvas for Faculty Online Course
Workshop Description: This is a three week online training course covers the basics of the Canvas learning management system. By the end of the course, participants will have a basic understanding of the main features of Canvas, and be ready to begin using Canvas with their classes. This online, asynchronous course will take 10-15 hours over the three weeks to complete.
Register: Visit SBCTC eLearning website to register.
How to Use Open Educational Resources (OER) Online Course
Workshop Description: Open Educational Resources (OER) is another online training opportunity offered through the State Board. The purpose of this online course is to provide participants with information and experience in using open educational resources (OER) in their teaching practice. This is online, the asynchronous course takes approximately 10 hours to complete.
Register: Visit SBCTC eLearning website to register.
Last Updated July 5, 2022