How to download and delete Zoom cloud files

How to download Zoom recordings on your desktop

  1. Go to Recordings and Cloud Recordings.
  2. Download the files for that recording and save those files in a folder with an appropriate name on your desktop.
  3. Go to the folder on your desktop (folder called Zoom) and you will see your recordings in different formats.
  4. You will see file types with audio, transcript and video.
  5. Choose the format that is an mp4 and which is the largest size.
  6. Open the file to view your recording. If you can view the audio and video, that is the file you will upload to Panopto.
  7. If you are not a Panopto user, you can upload the file to Microsoft Stream or YouTube. ITS can give you assistance on using Stream.
  8. How to Upload Video Files Using the Create Button

How to delete files from Zoom Recordings

Go to Recordings and Cloud Recordings

Delete Zoom recordings

Delete Recordings files from trash

Delete Zoom recordings

Locate downloaded recording files on your computer.

Zoom files located on your computer


The file with largest size will be the mp4 type which you can upload to Panopto, Teams or YouTube.

Last Updated October 24, 2020