Formatting Quizzes in Microsoft Word for Respondus:
Only three file types work with Respondus. You must either use a plain text file (*.txt), a rich text file (*.rtf) or a MS Word document (.doc or .docx). Create your questions in Word format before uploading to Respondus.
Multiple choice : one answer
Number Each Question (required)
Each question must begin with a question number, followed by either a period “.” or a parentheses “)”.
The question text must follow the question number. (Note: at least one space should be between the question number and the question wording.)
Provide a Title (optional)
A Title can be imported with each question. If you do not provide one, the first 20 characters from the question wording will be used as the question title. Titles must be placed at the beginning of a question and begin with “Title:” followed by the actual text for the title. If the title exceeds 20 characters, the remaining characters will be dropped during the import.
Title: Speed of Light
1) Who determined the exact speed of light?
a. Albert Einstein
*b. Albert Michelson
c. Thomas Edison
d. Guglielmo Marconi
Mark the Correct Answers (required for quizzes)
To indicate the correct answer, place an asterisk (*) directly in front of the answer choice (do not put a space between the asterisk and the answer choice).
1) Who determined the exact speed of light?
a. Albert Einstein
*b. Albert Michelson
c. Thomas Edison
d. Guglielmo Marconi
2. Relation between mass & energy determined by?
*a) Albert Einstein
b) Albert Michelson
c) Thomas Edison
d) Guglielmo Marconi
3) Edison sent the first wireless message overseas.
a. T
*b. F
4. A binocular is used to view distance objects.
*a) True
b) False
Multiple choice : one answer group at the end
Another option is to place a list of correct answers at the end of the file. The list must begin with the word “Answers:” and the answers should start on the following line (no blank lines are allowed). Note that any text after the answer list will be ignored.
1) Who determined the exact speed of light?
a. Albert Einstein
b. Albert Michelson
c. Thomas Edison
d. Guglielmo Marconi
2. Relation between mass & energy determined by?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Albert Michelson
c) Thomas Edison
d) Guglielmo Marconi
3. Edison sent the first wireless message overseas.
a. T
b. F
4. A binocular is used to view distance objects.
a) True
b) False
1. B
2. A
3. b (or ‘False’ or ‘F’)
4. a (or ‘True’ or ‘T’)
Matching Question
Type: MT
1. Match the correct scientific instrument and its use.
a. Microscope = magnified view of small objects
b. Telescope = views distant objects in space
c. Thermometer = used to measure temperature
d. Barometer = measures atmospheric pressure
If there is more than one possible answer add them on subsequent lines.
Fill in the Blank
Type: F
1. The __________ celebrates its independence on the 4th July every year.
a. United States of America
b. United States
c. US
Using an Image
1. Name this bird.
*A. American Robin
B. Blue Jay
C. Eastern Blue Bird
Last Updated October 21, 2020