[active, working document]
Cynthia Northrup
– Contributing Factors: Students identify contributing factors of success in a math class.
– Pre- and Post- Exam Reflection: Students write about their exam preparation; compare exam performance and make strategies for improvement.
Rose Pugh
– Reflection Activity in Online Mathematics: Students give advice to future students on how to successfully complete an online courses.
Natalia Dunn
– Test Corrections and Analysis: Students correct problems missed on their exam, giving explanation of why missed.
– Goals Reflection: After second course exam, students re-evaluate short and long term goals.
Diane Mauldin
– Exam Analysis: Students analyze their error patterns in first exam.
Reza Forough
– Research Project Questionnaire: Students reflect on participation in soil bacteria research project.
Gina Fiorini
– CHEM Bootcamp: Students find extra practice problems for success, recording work in notebook for submission.
Jennifer Laveglia
– Test Analysis and Reflection: Students analyze exam errors; plan to improve study strategies; have opportunity to make exam corrections for points back.
Zubair Murtaza
– Earn Points Back: Students summarize exam mistakes, writing lessons learned and have opportunity to make exam corrections for points back.
Lindsey Kafer
– Math History: Reflection on past math experiences and hopes for class.
– Decimal Reflection: Students respond to survey, indicating their level of confidence with decimal operations.
– Error Analysis for Decimial Quiz: Students analyze their error trends in first exam.
Irene Ferrante
– Believe In Yourself: Long and short term goals for Business students. Positive outlook – withstand challenges and setbacks – generate motivation.
Rick Duncan
– Midterm Exam Reflection: Students have opportunity to make exam corrections for points back, summarize exam mistakes, make plan for doing better on next exam.
Stephanie Brommer
– Understanding Interview and Ethnography Skills: Students reflect on the Religion Fieldwork Project: process, feelings, future experiences.
– The Practice of Observation and Meaning-Making: How is _____ about more than ____? (e.g. How is riding a bus about more than transportation?)
Tom Lee
– Final Assessment: Self-Assessment: identify class content you are comfortable with; reflect on challenges encountered; list professional goals for the coming 3 months.
Danielle Jacobson
– Exam Reflection Activity: Students analyze their error patterns in first exam and develop plan to improve study habits.
– Mid Quarter Class Survey: Students identify what they are doing well; what to improve; what is going well and what could be improved with course instruction as a learner.
– Exam Reflections and Corrections: Students are given opportunity to make exam corrections for partial points back.
Frank Lee
– Post Lab Reflection: Students seek answers to unknowns uncovered in lab and search for design applications of lab concepts.
Mandie Nash
– Exam Reflection trough an Exam Analysis: Students have the opportunity to retake exams if they complete an analysis to determine where mistakes were and why.
– Developing a Growth Mindset: Write paper on growth and fixed mindsets. Identify things to create growth mindset and challenges.
Helen Taylor
– Self-Assesment of Discussion Participation: Students reread their discussion posts, select their three best contributions, one weak contribution, give themselves a participation grade, nominate class members who added to their learning.
Grady Blacken
– Modelling Organic Structures: guided inquiry for introducing model principles used to organic molecules, students assess validity of models.
Dana Vukajovich
– Exam Error Analysis: Students set goals for exam improvement considering time, resources, important factors.
Frank Lee
– Student Survey: Start of course survey, students report two subject strengths and make two improvement goals.
Li Liu
– Digital Media – Yes and No: Topic of debate, “Do you believe Digital Medial enhances or limits our way of knowing the world?”
Students apply communication theories to both sides of the topic.
– Job Reflection Journal: After a mock job interview, students select two topics from instructor generated list, and journal
about the interview experience and plan how to sharpen their interview skills.
Hank Sitko
– Speech Self-Reflection: watch video on own speech and reflect on the performance, connect with class concepts.
Archana Alwar
– Visiting a Spanish/Latin American Restaurant: reflect on restaurant visit, ordering using Spanish only.
– Third Week Check In: Create study plan after first exam.
Kent Short
– Weekly Discuccions on Climate Change Issues: Students consider weekly climate topics and put them in the context of their daily lives.
Tabitha Kirkland
– Psychology Journals: Weekly course journals: summarize content covered, describe real-life scenario demonstrating concept, find personal or career application.
Leslie Lum
– Knowledge Worker: After a reading assignement, students answer key questions; strenghts, culture, learning style, values, belonging, contributing.
Ross Brown
– Design/Build Journal and Presentation: Critical thinking regarding the research and experimentation experience, during the building of a 3D design.
Sonya Doucette
– Exam Analysis: Students consider reasons they missed questions, what they did to prepare, how they can improve performance for next exam.
– It’s OK to be wrong: students focus on their thought process or reasoning when answering pre-lecture concept questions, they also reflect level of worry about being incorrect.
– Doing Chemistry Online: one piece of advice you would give to students taking an online chemistry course in the future.
Caleb Teel
– Reading/Video Reflections: after doing assigned reading or watching instructional Video; students write a summary, identify difficult parts and comforatable parts, request parts to spend more time on in class.
– Sample Problem Reading Reflection: Students reflect and highlight important concepts from textbook sample problem.
– Problem Set Confidence Rankings: Students rank their understanding confidence level to homework problems they submit.
Ryan Bauer
– Linear Algebra Applications: Students research applications of Linear Algebra concepts to their area of interest.
Jason Fuller
– Exam Analysis: Students analyze their error patterns in first exam and develop plan to improve study habits.
– Laboratory Notebook Reflection: Student evaluate quality of lab notebook and make an improvement plan.
Grace Kim Robbings
– Reading Response: Weekly writing assignment regading textbook readings. Students make links between course concepts, create a diagram that shows the connection of ideas, relates concept differences, asks or responds to clarifying questions to or from peers.
Rick Glover
– Calculating Carbon Footprint: Students calculate the carbon footprint of their lifestyle and reflect on three changes they can make to reduce their footprint.
– Group Project Reflection: Students relect on group work experience in order to improve their future group projects.
– Exam Question Content Reflection: students think about how chemistry exam content is used in daily life.
Theresa Ford
– Speech Rewrite: Students are given an option to do a post speech self-analysis and rewrite and redeliver the speech.
– Public Speaking Self Assessment: Student review speeches: what was done well, what could be improved, what can you do on next speech to improve the things you struggle with?
Katherine Lawson-Rogers
– “The Outsider”: Visit an establishment where you are an ʺOutsiderʺ; use sociology methods to gain understanding of the culture and behavior encountered.
– The Social Construction of Reality: Guided questions and reflection topics for group analysis of social construction using critical social justice model.
– Black Lives Matter: After watching a documentary, students engage in discussion of topic through series of instructor generated questions.
Miranda Kato
– Difficult Conversations- Role Play: Student reflects on their learning experience in conducting difficult conversations via role play activity.
– Reward Decision and Communication: Student is expected to reflect and assess the criteria he/she uses to make salary adjustments.
– Conflicts between Employee Rights and Employer Responsibilities: Identify areas of employee / employer conflict. How does conflict arise? How to prevent?
Irene Ferrante
– Believe In Yourself: Long and short term goals for Business students. Positive outlook – withstand challenges and setbacks – generate motivation.
Bill Iverson
– Online Resource Utilization: Students reflect both successful learning and omissions that might have occurred which resulted in a lower level of achievement.
Rini Chakrabarti
– Student Feedback on Group Projects: How working in groups will help in the future.
S. Roshni Tewari
– What are the tools in your box?: Students inventory their: science paper writing experience and standard layout for scientific papers.
– Is anyone listening and does anyone care?: Students reflect on strategies to convice people to make more sustainable decisions.
Last Updated February 4, 2022