A Conversation with Colleagues about Teaching and Assessing Critical Thinking – Spring

Two women thinking and working together

If we care about critical thinking, then we ought to critically think about critical thinking! This facilitated discussion is an opportunity to do just that.  A panel of colleagues from across the campus are asking the question, “How do I assess critical thinking when it is an outcome of my course?” When we step back for a moment, are we confident that we are effectively teaching it? Can we identify what critical thinking means to our particular discipline? How are we assessing our students’ ability to think critically?



Yes, there are a lot of questions. The goal of this session is to share ideas and techniques for how we are teaching CT in our disciplines and to plan for next steps (maybe new workshops, new resources, new FACT processes) based on our collective ideas. We invite you to come discuss your thoughts and share your experiences with us.

Monday, April 19, 1:30-3 p.m.

Sign up! to receive the participation link and calendar invitation.

Session Panel

  • Kelli Callahan, Social Science
  • Chloe Horning, Library
  • Tim Linnemann, A&H
  • Jackie Miller, Science
  • Pete Ophoven, iBIT
  • Russ Payne, A&H
  • Jennifer Prekeges, HSEWI

Last Updated April 19, 2021