Are you new to teaching? Or do you want to revisit some of the foundations of college instruction related to teaching and learning? The Nuts and Bolts workshop engages faculty in learning and discussions about the fundamentals of being a college instructor, while making practical applications to your courses. Although this course will be meaningful for teaching on-ground, the focus this quarter will be on utilizing online instructional approaches. Throughout these sessions we introduce evidence-based strategies and intertwine equity, cultural responsiveness, High 5, and growth mindsets as we discuss our syllabi, course outcomes, lesson plans, assignment creation, and student support strategies. This workshop is designed to provide faculty with an overview of the topics below. Faculty may discover areas they wish to explore further in more intensive workshops.
This course will serve as the Online Excellence Teaching Academy (OETA) – Online Pedagogy – requirement for Phase 2; See Online Teaching Excellence Academy below.
Culturally Responsive Teaching | Examine how our positionality, implicit biases, and cultural lens impact the students in our classroom. Work to be anti-racist instructors. |
The Inclusive Syllabus | Examine the role of instructor presence right from the start of the quarter through paying attention to tone and language used in the first touchpoint we have with our students – the syllabus. |
Connecting Outcomes to Performance | How can we structure our class with the outcomes in mind and meet those outcomes using traditional and alternative assessment strategies? |
TILT Assignment Framework and Student Success | Use the TILT Assignment Framework to revise one assignment, making the “why and how” behind each assignment clearer for our students. |
Universal Design for Learning | Share ideas for lesson planning and delivery with a focus on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and explore Equity/Growth Mindset |
Partnering with Student Support Services | Learn ways faculty can partner with key student service providers on campus (e.g. Counseling, Disability Resource Center, Advising) to be in compliance and to enhance student learning and support). |
Significance of Reflection | Build student reflection and your own instructor reflection into a regular practice to add depth to learning in the classroom. |
Learning Outcomes:
Participants in this workshop series will be able to…
- Articulate how positionality and implicit bias impact our classroom environment and how to create a more equitable classroom.
- Identify and apply culturally responsive strategies in their classes.
- Identify the components of an inclusive syllabus and construct one for their courses.
- Construct or revise one assignment using the TILT assignment framework to enhance clarity of expectations for students.
- Understand and apply the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to all facets of their teaching and classroom environment.
- Describe the importance of reflection in learning and create reflection activities.
25 PD Hours | $600 stipend for completing all required work and attending a minimum of 3 of the synchronous sessions.
10 seats maximum: Register Early for Nuts and Bolts of Equitable College Instruction!
For more information, contact Timothy Chang, Developing Instructor Academy Lead
Last Updated November 16, 2022