Academic Performance and Your Status

College, Bridge, and Intensive English Language students must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to maintain their F-1 status.  This means that you could have problems with your F-1 and eligibility to continue studying in the U.S. if your grades are low or if you are placed on Academic Standards.

College Level

If students in the college level program are dismissed from BC, their SEVIS records could be terminated. If you receive a notice from Bellevue College that you are on Academic Standings, contact your IE Advisor to discuss your options.

English Language Program-Academic Progress

It is important to make academic progress so you can be ready for college studies. It is common to repeat a class when learning a new language skill for the first time, but it also important to improve. Your teachers and IE advisor will meet with you for help if you are struggling. We want to see you improve and succeed!

If you feel that you want to repeat a level or move down to a lower level, please speak with your teacher before the end of the current quarter. The ELI Program Chair will have to approve this request.

Getting a “D” or “F” Grade for the 1st time: Academic Warning

A student on Academic Warning will repeat the class(es) and meet with their IE advisor to discuss ways to improve and review on-campus resources.

Getting a “D” or “F” Grade for the 2nd time: Academic Probation

A student on Academic Probation will repeat the class(es) again and meet with their IE advisor to discuss the probation requirements. Students will also make an academic success plan for improvement.

If the student passes the Academic Warning class(es) with a “C-“ or higher, but gets a “D” or “F” in another class, they will be put on Academic Warning for the new class(es). 

Getting a “D” or “F” Grade for the 3rd time: Dismissal Warning

A student who does not pass their class(es) while on academic probation may be dismissed from the English Language Institute Programs.

The student will meet with their IE advisor to discuss options:

1.      Appeal to continue studying for another quarter. The ELI Program Chair will review the appeal and decide if the appeal is approved or not.

2.      Transfer to another school. You may have an out of status SEVIS record.

3.      Leave the United States (or find a different legal reason to remain here).

Students who are dismissed from the ELI may return to the program after leaving for four consecutive quarters. Students will take the ELI placement test again and be placed according to the new results.

Last Updated October 21, 2021