Meet Michael

Michael Elsworth Louis Hatt

Michael Elsworth Louis Hatt, Age 24.
Assembly Technician for Skills Incorporated

How did you learn about the OLS program and what helped you decide to check it out?
My parents learned of OLS through a legal convention at Seattle University around 2006-2007 and then talked to staff and parents to learn more about their experiences with the program. I remember visiting the North Campus in March 2007. My parents brought me along to see what I thought and I made my decision because I want to join a group of students who have disabilities like me.

What did OLS offer you that you couldn’t find elsewhere?
OLS at Bellevue College offered college-level academics, a chance to make friends with other people with disabilities who would be kinder and more understanding, and a chance to learn how to talk and socialize with others well.

Why do you think you succeeded in the OLS program?
I believe I succeeded because of my hard work and persistence. I strive to embody the qualities that will help me move forward: being cooperative and willing to listen, willing to try, and being honest, punctual and kind.

If you could name the three top things you appreciated about the OLS program, what would they be?
It is an official college program with high standards, opportunities to improve speech and socialization skills and make friends. OLS focuses on obtaining and keeping a job that you can feel good about and will challenge you, not just as a Walmart greeter.

Tell us about your job as an assembly technician.
I do various tasks every day, drilling rivet holes, rivet punching, applying sealant, and cleaning excess sealant that prevents leaks out of rivet locations on hundreds of green, white or grey painted parts for various sections of the Boeing planes. When the jobs are done, they have to be inspected, and, if approved, they go to the packaging area to get ready to be sent to Boeing factories in Everett or Renton.

What is one thing about you that people wouldn’t guess about you on first glance?
I have difficulty understanding people who talk fast or use a lot of words, and it takes time for me to think of the words to say to express what I am thinking. It helps if the person talking to me speaks at a moderate speed and pauses occasionally to let me catch up.

Last Updated October 3, 2016