Core Music Theory Sequence Topics

frequency ♦ overtone series ♦ tuning systems ♦ pitch notation ♦ clefs ♦ octave identification ♦ rhythmic notation  ♦ time signatures ♦ intervals  ♦ diatonic scales ♦ church modes ♦ blues scales ♦ major & minor key signatures ♦ triads ♦ seventh chords ♦ jazz/popular chord symbols ♦ figured bass ♦ harmonic inversion ♦ functional Roman numeral analysis  ♦ chord progression intervals ♦ cadences  ♦ melodic theory ♦ motives  ♦ phrases ♦ sequences ♦ period structures ♦ goal tone melodic composition  ♦ phase groups  ♦ musical textures ♦ textural reduction ♦ counterpoint ♦ four-part voice leading techniques ♦ secondary dominant chords ♦ closely-related style ♦ motivic development ♦ fugue ♦ canon ♦ modal mixture chords ♦ chromatic mediants ♦ predominant substitutes ♦ Neapolitan sixth chords ♦ augmented sixth chords ♦ embellishing diminished seventh chords ♦ altered dominants ♦ chords of extension – 9th, 11th, 13th chords ♦ tritone substitution ♦ distant key modulation ♦ non-functional harmony ♦ linear chromaticism ♦ the Tristan chord ♦ musical structures ♦ art song ♦  continuous variation form ♦ simple binary form ♦ rounded binary form ♦ ternary form ♦ theme & variations form ♦ theme & variations form ♦ rondo form ♦ sonata form ♦ modalism ♦ polytonality ♦ free atonality ♦ serial atonality♦ minimalism ♦ pluralism ♦ Musique concrete ♦  soundscape ♦ electronic music ♦ indeterminacy ♦ 20th-21st century extended techniques ♦ and much more………


Last Updated May 24, 2023