News and Stories
We’re making headlines at Bellevue College. Take a look at the latest events, innovations, and student achievements detailed in our news and stories. From alumni profiles to institutional success, we are proud of the stories that make Bellevue College the region's college of choice.

First-generation Alum Learns English, Earns Transfer Degree
Francine Ribeiro Myles originally found Bellevue College through English as a second language classes. Now, she’s a graduate with an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree and is currently a junior student of Economics at the University of Washington.
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College of Lake County announces passing of former president Jerry Weber
It is with deep sadness the board of trustees of the College of Lake County District 532 announces the unexpected death of former CLC President Dr. Girard (Jerry) Weber on Nov. 11. He held the role from April 2009 to July 2017 before becoming the president of Bellevue College in Washington.
Students With Cognitive Differences Say COVID-19 Derailed Their Routines | Teen Vogue
Abby Leaver can fit her whole life into a dorm room. Within the confines of small, apartment-style student housing, the Bellevue College resident assistant (RA) attends online classes and violin lessons, participates in Zoom happy hours and online games with friends, and cares for her cat
Bellevue College Opens Early Learning Center
The Bellevue College Early Learning Center (ELC) is open and accepting new students. The ELC serves the children of Bellevue College faculty, staff and students, with half of the slots reserved for Costco employees. Openings are available for children ages 1-6 in the toddler and preschool classrooms.
Dr. Christina Sciabarra Discusses Her Transition to a Community College Career
Christina Sciabarra is an adjunct faculty member in Political Science at Bellevue College. Her research focuses on building peace after civil wars in the Middle East, particularly Iraq and the Levant region. She is actively engaged with organizations building cultural bridges between the Middle East and the US.
North Bend Interior Designer and BC Alum Opens a Store Within a Store, Chez Toi Designs
Julietta Harding attended Bellevue College (then Bellevue Community College), when they had a three-year design program, and was the owner of Courue Design, Inc. from 1998 to January 2008, doing high-end residential and commercial projects. Her first degree was in journalism, and starting in 2008, she spent ten years in Oklahoma working as a journalist,…
Join Us For Election 2020 – The Youth Vote Event
Gary Locke, interim president of Bellevue College, is among the featured speakers for Election 2020 - The Youth Vote: A conversation about leadership, ethics and values, and how they factor into choosing a candidate. KNKX's Take the Mic and South Seattle Emerald present the free Zoom event on Oct. 14.
ASK: Gary Locke
Gary Locke had been on the job as interim president of Bellevue College for about a month when 425Business caught up with him via telephone in July. We wanted to hear how the job was going, the challenges of running the college during a pandemic, what he’s discovered during his initial weeks, and other questions pertaining to BC and his long history in government.
BC Listed Among Top 10 Colleges For Students With Special Needs
Students with special needs are welcome to a wide range of colleges where they can attend special courses. Bellevue College is listed among those schools that offer specialized courses for students who may have special needs.
Enrollment is surging for Running Start classes — which are now taught online
Washington educators say this mostly online school year is a golden opportunity for 11th- and 12th-graders to take a Running Start class or two. But deadlines are nearing quickly. For Bellevue College, for example, students need to apply by Sept. 15; many classes are already full. Classes start Sept. 21.