News and Stories
We’re making headlines at Bellevue College. Take a look at the latest events, innovations, and student achievements detailed in our news and stories. From alumni profiles to institutional success, we are proud of the stories that make Bellevue College the region's college of choice.

First-generation Alum Learns English, Earns Transfer Degree
Francine Ribeiro Myles originally found Bellevue College through English as a second language classes. Now, she’s a graduate with an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree and is currently a junior student of Economics at the University of Washington.
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Classical Guitarist Naeim Rahmani Looks For Commonalities Between Iranians And Americans
Naeim Rahmani is unusual in the world of classical guitar. He began formal lessons at age 22, an age most serious players had already been practicing for up to 4-5 hours per day since their mid-teens. Rahmani, on the music faculty at Bellevue College, is one of three guest soloists at the Classical Mandolin Society of America Convention in Normal, Illinois.
Bellevue College Faculty get Educated on Salmon
Bellevue College made a determination to delve deeper into topics surrounding salmon – sourcing, sustainability, and production – with its RISE Learning Institute retreat, which offered faculty the chance to better understand salmon.
BC’s RISE Learning Institute cited in high-impact practices study
Bellevue College in Washington has brought multiple high-impact practices together in its RISE Learning Institute in an effort to spread these practices across its campus.
Colleges Help High School Students with Autism Reach Higher Education
The transition from high school to college is challenging for any recent graduate, but students with autism have additional obstacles that colleges and universities are trying to help them overcome. Sara Gardner, director of Autism Spectrum Navigators at Bellevue College, says that 80 percent of social expectations are learned nonverbally by neurotypical people.
Bellevue College rallies for higher education funding
Community and technical colleges across the state are frustrated with legislative inaction on investment. Bellevue College (BC) was one of the 11 schools that participated in a week of action, calling for the Legislature to invest in community and technical colleges for the sake of students, employers and the community.
Sports and their impact subject of museum lecture
“What Do Sports Teach Our Kids?” will be the focus of the lecture by Eric Davis, associate professor of sociology at Bellevue College. The lecture “is really focused on this idea of how sports shapes society,” Davis said.
BC’s Autism Spectrum Navigators program cited in Seattle Times story
Beth Sigall, a Lake Washington parent whose son now attends the Autism Spectrum Navigators program at Bellevue College, said she hopes to solve a deeper cultural problem. In Olympia, lawmakers are tackling an issue they’ve largely ignored: Education for students with disabilities.
In the Field: Conversations With Our Contributors–Martha Silano
I’ve been admiring hummingbirds since I was a kid. Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to view them in the wild, and I’ve spent time researching their feats of strength and gorgeous names. I’d been meaning to write a poem about them. Finally got around to it.
Latinx art and a home for the ‘in-between’ for former BC student
During the Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery’s opening pachanga, surrounded by corrido music and the fragrances of horchata and tamales, Jake Prendez told a room filled with Latinxs, “This is your space.”
Bellevue’s KBCS shines light on unrepresented voices
Iaan Hughes of KBCS 91.3 recalls the many changes that the radio station, located on Bellevue College’s campus, has undergone. The college radio station was formed during the politically turbulent 1970s.