News and Stories
We’re making headlines at Bellevue College. Take a look at the latest events, innovations, and student achievements detailed in our news and stories. From alumni profiles to institutional success, we are proud of the stories that make Bellevue College the region's college of choice.

First-generation Alum Learns English, Earns Transfer Degree
Francine Ribeiro Myles originally found Bellevue College through English as a second language classes. Now, she’s a graduate with an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree and is currently a junior student of Economics at the University of Washington.
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Notes from the President
Interim Bellevue College President Gary Locke:
Dear Colleagues,
This Friday, November 11, the College will be closed in observance of Veterans Day, a time to honor and pay tribute to military veterans – including members of our own BC community – who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. This day is not only an opportunity for us to honor our veterans, but also a time for us to reflect on the contributions and sacrifices veterans have made on behalf of this nation. Our freedoms and democracy must never be taken for granted.
Response to Tragedy in Colorado
Interim Bellevue College President Gary Locke:
Dear BC Community,
On Nov. 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance, which memorializes transgender lives lost to violence, our nation was rocked by the news of another mass shooting that targeted an LGBTQIA+ nightclub in Colorado Springs, killing five people and injuring 17 more. Were it not for the heroism of two patrons, certainly more lives would have been lost.
Notes from the President
Dear Colleagues,
Thanks to the BC community for the tremendous participation in the Equity-Focused Professional Development Day last week. A big “Thank You” to the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for putting on a thought-provoking and meaningful day for our campus. Between the variety of sessions, the opportunities to learn in community with one another, and the engaging presenters—it was an excellent day.
Statement in Support of DACA Students
Dear BC Community,
I’m writing to share a joint statement released by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, along with presidents and trustees of the state’s 34 community and technical colleges, regarding an October 5, 2022 decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The court upheld a lower court’s ruling that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is unlawful. The court also ruled current DACA enrollees could renew their status and sent the case back to a lower court to consider a regulation enacted by the Biden administration to strengthen the DACA program against legal challenges.
Notes from the President
Dear Colleagues,
Fall Quarter has started and its been wonderful being able to interact with so many BC students and employees over these past 2 weeks and seeing students and staff on the campus. Our enrollment is looking steady with us reaching 98% of our forecasted enrollment for fall. We are not quite where we want to be, but anticipate this number could climb another percentage point. BC has more than 11,000 students enrolled in for-credit courses and another 450 students enrolled in continuing education (non-credit) courses. Nearly 3,000 students are taking on-ground courses with another 6,000 taking hybrid classes, which means more students on campus. It has been an exciting first couple of weeks!
Notes from the President
Dear Colleagues,
The start of Fall Quarter is almost here! I am looking forward to experiencing that exciting bustling campus atmosphere that comes with the start of new school year.
Notes from the President
Dear Colleagues,
Congratulations to the thousands of students who earned a degree or credential from Bellevue College this year!
Notes from the President
Dear Colleagues,
It’s that wonderful time of the year when we get to celebrate the success and achievements of our students! I’ve enjoyed attending many of the smaller graduation ceremonies and events over the last couple of weeks and look forward to attending several more in the next week, as well as our first Commencement Ceremony at T-Mobile Park on June 24.
Notes from the President
Dear Colleagues,
This coming weekend, we will observe Memorial Day. Memorial Day often marks the start of summer and a 3-day weekend marked by BBQs and celebratory gatherings. Yet, as you go about your Memorial Day plans, please take time to pause and reflect on the sacrifices that make this day possible. Memorial Day is a day to honor the military personnel who have died while serving in the U.S. armed forces. It is because of the sacrifice of these courageous service members that we enjoy the freedoms and security of this great nation.
Response to Texas School Shooting
Dear BC Community,
Once again, we find ourselves mourning with the news of another mass shooting, this time at an elementary school in Texas that took the lives of 19 children and 2 teachers yesterday. Fourth graders. Nine and ten year olds. Our hearts go out to the victim’s families, and the tight-knit community of Uvalde, that will never be the same again.