News and Stories
We’re making headlines at Bellevue College. Take a look at the latest events, innovations, and student achievements detailed in our news and stories. From alumni profiles to institutional success, we are proud of the stories that make Bellevue College the region's college of choice.

First-generation Alum Learns English, Earns Transfer Degree
Francine Ribeiro Myles originally found Bellevue College through English as a second language classes. Now, she’s a graduate with an Associate in Arts and Sciences degree and is currently a junior student of Economics at the University of Washington.
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Not once, not twice, but thrice, Seattle’s Kelley Wentworth has taken on ‘Survivor’ — why?
Seattle marketing manager Kelley Wentworth, who studied marketing at Bellevue College, , tells us why she originally tried out for "Survivor" and what she might do with the $1 million prize if she wins it on her third time out.
BC Faculty Featured in 425 Business
For 15 years, Liz Hollerman worked as a 3D artist and animator for the likes of Microsoft, Amazon, and some independent gaming companies. Most recently, she worked for Turn 10 Studios in Redmond. She built a successful career — but still, something was missing. Hollerman always felt driven to help people, and teaching part-time filled…
Bellevue College hosting Jan. 16 symposium on aging
At a time when seniors of all ages seek ways to push back the process of aging and are coming to understand that retaining muscle strength and function is important to that goal, a symposium on “optimal aging” is scheduled at Bellevue College this month.
BSD holds fourth annual BOOM Experience conference at Bellevue College
It was a day Noah Garcia had been looking forward to all year. The International School eighth-grade student was excited to attend his second BOOM Experience (Breaking Out Of the Margin) conference by the Bellevue School District.
425Business Features BC’s Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Degree
Bellevue College unveils a robotics and artificial intelligence degree designed to train a generation of software experts.
Bellevue College premieres new television show
Bellevue College (BC) recently premiered its new television show, “Influential Women of Washington State” (IWOW). The television show, spearheaded by adjunct marketing professor Kela Hall, focuses on issues facing women in the workplace, on boards of directors, as well as gender equity and popular topics like gun violence, bullying and men as allies.
KBCS Featured for Hawaiian Music Program on KHON2 TV Show
KBCS and its Hawaiian music program were recently featured in a prime time TV special on Hawaii's KHON2. Hosts Sam Choy and John Veneri ventured into the Pacific Northwest for an episode called “Sam Choy’s To Go: Seattle to the Max." (segment starts at 14:42)
BC’s Dr. Jillene Grover Seiver Weighs in on Multitasking
If you love to spend your free time playing Fortnite or trying your hand at the newest gaming app, then you just might be training your brain to multitask more effectively, according to Dr. Jillene Grover Seiver, a senior lecturer at Bellevue College who researches memory and decision-making.
BC Alum Tyler Cassara-Smith Named One of the “30 Under 30” by 425 Business
Finding the right talent for architecture and design firms is something David Brown, founder and CEO of David Brown International, has been doing for years. But the job would be much more difficult without his project director, Tyler Cassara-Smith.
BC Support Programs Highlighted in Seattle Times Article
Here’s a surprising statistic: In 2016, only about 22 percent of students who received special education services when they graduated from Washington’s high schools enrolled in college one year later. Yet most special-needs students have an average or above-average IQ.