Student Stories: Nate Ward Featured in 425 Magazine

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We are proud to announce our very own OLS Student Nate Ward was featured in 425 Magazine. He was interviewed on his experience with OLS and what the experience in our program has been like for him.

“[OLS] is a program designed to give students basic education and training they will need to succeed in everyday life,” said Ward, who graduated from the program last year. “It’s like taking bits and pieces you would take in college and blowing it up — finances, eating healthy, lots of critical thinking, using your mind day in and day out and computer skills classes.”

He also shared how OLS has impacted his social and daily life, and shared a great testimony to his instructors and counselors.

“For me, it’s the gateway to my future,” said Ward. “If I look back at the last three years I have been there, I have learned things there I don’t think I would have learned in any regular college. I used to be as lazy as they come. I am now more active. I used to be shy. Now I am more outgoing. I am now more organized than when a teacher in junior high was trying to get me organized,” Ward said. “I could probably take credit for it, but it would take credit away from the instructors and counselors who helped me and helped other students achieve the goals that they want.”

Read the full article here.

Do you have an OLS story to share? We would love to hear from you! Fill out our online story submission form to share your story.

Last Updated July 23, 2019