Walk In Our Shoes

graphic of shoe with quote I am a dreamer, good friend, a student

Students in the Nutrition, Health and Fitness course learned about What is Mental Health, Mental Health Challenges/Myths vs Facts, and Giving & Getting Help. The students utilized and explored the website www.walkinourshoes.org to discover what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes with Mental Health.

Each student created and presented their own personal shoes to the class.

graphic of shoe with quote I creativem, kind, a brother

Through this project students discovered that learning about other people helps you to understand that others are still a lot like you; They’re just on a journey in different shoes.

The project, including class discussions and research, provided opportunities to discuss health conditions, coping strategies for wellness management, strategies to access health information and personalized services for medical concerns, and the perceptions of Mental Health, such as how to help break down the walls around Mental Illness, further the understanding of what it is, where it comes from, and why.

Nutrition, Health, & Fitness is one of the many courses OLS Students take to obtain their associate degree from OLS. More information about our curriculum is available on our website. To learn more about our program register for an Information Session.

Last Updated March 27, 2019