What Goes Into Writing a News Article for a Newsletter

As part of the Fall Quarter News & Daily Living course, students are assigned to write a news article on a topic of their choice that has to do with the OLS program. We will be sharing their articles on our news page as OLS Student Reporters stories.

headshot of a young adult man

By Kyle
At the OLS program at Bellevue College there is a class called News and Daily Living for the students learn about what is news and what goes into writing an article for the newspaper that going to be published at the end of the quarter. Students learn how the writing process for a news article and how to put it into the final project for the class for the fall quarter.

First of you need to gather information about what the article you are writing about by getting the who, what, were, when, why, how. You do a prewrite to organize your information. Then you write your lead which you get your reader’s attention by giving them an introduction to your article. You put the headline, byline, dateline in to start your news article. After that is the nuts and bolts and you use the 5 w’s and 1 h to get more information your article.

Once you complete the first draft that you type out your news article from your pre write and go into more detail about the subject that you researching. There is a peer-review process which other students look at your article and tell you what you need to add or fix. Once you are done add from that you edit your final draft and turn it to the newspaper editor. The finishing touches of the news article get published in the newsletter.

The students will revise and get help from a reporter that looks at their news articles before submitting their final news articles for the newsletter for the final project. Then the students will be resubmitted to Canvas for the second draft after the students make the finishing touches for the news article for the OLS newsletter. The last step is for students to send their articles to the newsletter editor and layout designer so that they can put the articles into the newsletter that will be on the OLS program at Bellevue College.

Last Updated March 10, 2020