Finding a Quiet Space for Yoga

Students enrolled in our Yoga for Life Balance course were assigned to find a quiet space within their residence that is not the same as where they conduct other normal daily activities.

This required students needed to be discerning and creative about finding the space as it will need to meet the following parameters:

  • Independent of their school/homework workspace
  • A place where they could open their minds and be as independent as possible from distractions coming from the world around them
  • A location where they could feel fully present and able to focus inward
  • A seated position where they could open their minds and adapt to improving concentration with less outside interruptions.
A yoga mat lays on the floor of a living room with large, sunny windows
Daniel’s space

The space they selected also needed to be a place of comfort, where they could sit, lay down or stand comfortably and decorated so that it brings them into a place of tranquility and helps them calm their autonomic nervous system in order to enhance that connection.

This self-designated and designed space was used for 5 minutes a day to perform the Diaphragmatic breath for 5 rounds, integrating their three favorite Yoga asanas (postures) learned. Students shared pictures of their space and a brief written description of a week’s worth of experience spending time doing the assigned activities, focusing on what they noticed, what they learned, what they liked and what was challenging for them.

a yoga mat on the floor of a living toom
Anthony’s space

Through this exercise, students learned to find a safe and quiet place that offers solitude and introspection, as well as an opportunity to center the body and mind. This helped integrate what mindful meditation and yoga has to offer: a place to give the mind and body a hug, a place to reduce stress and anxiety and continue to realize the benefits of the outcomes of the Yoga for Life Balance course. It enhances self-care, enhances the mind-body connection, reduces internal and external stress and increase self-awareness.

The goal was to form a habit, and that a week will turn into two weeks and evolve into a lifelong routine that will provide long-term benefits.

a blue yoga mat lays on the floor in front of a fireplace
Wyatt’s space

Occupational & Life Skills (OLS) Bellevue College is an associate degree program for adults with learning disabilities.

Yoga for Life Balance is of the elective courses our students may take to obtain their degree. More information about our curriculum is available on our website. To learn more about our program register for an upcoming Information Session.

Last Updated October 11, 2022