Original Date: 9/13/1983 * Last Revision Effective: 4/21/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Human Resources
In recognition of valued service to Bellevue College, classified staff and administrators with ten (10) or more years of continuous employment at Bellevue College and who retire as members of one of the following retirement systems—Washington Teachers’ Retirement Plan I and 11, TIAA/CREF, Washington Public Employees’ Retirement Plan I, II or III shall receive as appreciation for their contribution to the college the following lifetime benefits:
- Perpetual parking privileges;
- Library privileges;
- Gym and locker facility privileges;
- Tickets to cultural and athletic events sponsored by the college at employee prices.
Relevant Laws and Other Resources
- Board of Trustees resolution 159
Revision History
Original 9/13/1983
Revisions 5/10/2005; 5/21/2009; 4/21/2015
Approved By
Board of Trustees
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated April 21, 2015